View Full Version : Introducing "New Era!"

05-18-2012, 09:51 AM
New Era. A new guild created by Stompy. This thread should hopefully tell you about the guild, what you can and cannot do! Most importantly, have fun!

New Era : Brand New PVP/PVE guild!

New Era is a brand new guild that was created on the 17th of May 2012. The current guild master is "Stompy" and I am the current co-founder of the guild.

If you would like to join the guild, please contact either "Coke, Skelinator, Ucandoit or Ubetterhide in game and we will invite you!

The rules:

Here at New Era, we have rules. These rules determine if you stay in the guild or get removed. Please note that we have the right to remove or demote members who are not following the official guild rules, which are as follows:

-Do Not BEG
-Do Not Fight an cause arguments with other MEMBERS of the group.

How to be promoted?

If we see that you are following these three basic rules, you may get the chance of being promoted. The highest rank is an officer, and this is if you can be trusted in game.

'OFFICER' - If i can trust them enough to promote them.
'RECRUITER' - Lvl 56+

You can also be demoted or removed if you do not follow these rules.

-you will be DEMOTED if they break any of them rules.
-KICKED from the group if they continue to break the rules.

Guild list: Check here if you have been accepted!

Here is where I will be updating with the latest members of the guild.

-Coke (GM)
-Skeletonlord - OFFICER
-Ucandoit - OFFICER
-Ubetterhide - OFFICER