View Full Version : ideas for future updates

05-18-2012, 04:55 PM
sl is getting boring fast so i thought i would post some ideas that i would like see get put in, first off for the next dungeon i want one that rewards me for finishing the levels not kill the first mobs and leave (exp run) after im capped i want to be able to enjoy pve but i cant if there is no good drops i want lots of legendaries added to the game a new chalenging campaign that rewards sounds nice for a change.

next i would like to see melee weapons that would spice pvp up a bit i think, less pew pew more slash slash or something.

NEW PVP MAPS! old ones are are getting well... old

maybe a new leader board type guild pvp kills and pve withs guild deaths as well that would be a different way we could measure how good a guild is just a thought

guild quests! would be amazing not my idea read it somewhere on forums

well thats some of what i want added, post your ideas i like to see what others are thinking

STS this game is great but it has the potential to be something amazing listen to the players =) thanks

05-18-2012, 11:48 PM
just thought of amazing idea to me okay here it is \/

there would be a daily quest giver that would select a random dungeon to make it elite the difference between elite and normal, mobs would be 25-35% stronger, the rewards would be 10-15K credits 100-200 exp and a guaranteed legendary item drop from the boss the quest will be given only once a day other wise pinks would overflow market

to clear an elite dungeon would take a full group of well equipped end game players (tanks would have to tank, engs would have to heal, ops would have to support)
if you die in the elite dungeon you lose your chance and have to wait till the next day (keep your reviving eng alive)

and sts you could make some extra money off this feature sell extra entries into the dungeon for 20-30 platinum i my self would buy alot more plat

this idea will spice up end game 100% in my opinion PLEASE leave feed back on what you think

05-18-2012, 11:55 PM
just thought of amazing idea to me okay here it is \/

there would be a daily quest giver that would select a random dungeon to make it elite the difference between elite and normal, mobs would be 25-35% stronger, the rewards would be 10-15K credits 100-200 exp and a guaranteed legendary item drop from the boss the quest will be given only once a day other wise pinks would overflow market

to clear an elite dungeon would take a full group of well equipped end game players (tanks would have to tank, engs would have to heal, ops would have to support)
if you die in the elite dungeon you lose your chance and have to wait till the next day (keep your reviving eng alive)

and sts you could make some extra money off this feature sell extra entries into the dungeon for 20-30 platinum i my self would buy alot more plat

this idea will spice up end game 100% in my opinion PLEASE leave feed back on what you think
Sounds really ambitious but amazing! I'm down for that!

05-19-2012, 12:24 AM
Yea SL is getting reeaally boring :(
Secret grates and more items to farm

05-19-2012, 02:01 PM
Sounds really ambitious but amazing! I'm down for that!

it would not be that hard to implement i dont think, if they work on till level 51 cap and add it then

thanks btw for reply =)

05-19-2012, 03:32 PM
one easy level in every cap
so easy that you dont need to look at the screen to play

05-19-2012, 05:54 PM
one easy level in every cap
so easy that you dont need to look at the screen to play

meh that takes the fun out of the game i dont mind hard levels i just want rewarded for completing it not \/

"akfury received type iii flashguns" -.-

05-20-2012, 04:27 AM
and they should let guild runs so like a whle guild into a map

05-21-2012, 02:34 AM
think people ran for much longer hours on biosphere than on voleria
seen the same groups splinter in abt 50 mins - 2 hrs max
remember a few epic sessions where people threw themselves into biospheres for 6+ hours... incredible stretches at a time
even sloucho was not bad, although the levels are considered slow and boring now, when it was cap venom-poison was a lot, lot more fun, with all the crazy bots and funny things as compared to voleria with the bombs, death traps, rev pls, and kthxbais

grinding is no fun otherwise ppl wud have grinded

05-21-2012, 12:14 PM
think people ran for much longer hours on biosphere than on voleria
seen the same groups splinter in abt 50 mins - 2 hrs max
remember a few epic sessions where people threw themselves into biospheres for 6+ hours... incredible stretches at a time
even sloucho was not bad, although the levels are considered slow and boring now, when it was cap venom-poison was a lot, lot more fun, with all the crazy bots and funny things as compared to voleria with the bombs, death traps, rev pls, and kthxbais

grinding is no fun otherwise ppl wud have grinded

i agree with you voleria is my least favorite campaign, but if it rewarded it would be my favorite i like a challenge, but it doesnt :/