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View Full Version : Tips for Overcoming a Language difference

05-20-2012, 08:44 AM
Tips for helping someone who doesn't speak English as their native language.

Yeah the title is rather ambiguous but its the best I could come up with. We have People from all over the globe playing this game. Many of them speak (type/read) English to a greater or lesser degree. Over the course of playing PL I've found a few things that have helped me communicate with players from different countries. I've also added hints from some of the players in my guild.

And yes I know that this belongs in the Guides section, but for some reason I am unable to Post anything there. If a dev sees this I would appreciate it if you could move this to the correct sub forum. :-)

1) Be Patient - don't get discouraged if you don't get an answer right away, the person you are trying to talk to might be using a translator app. Give them time to reply. I even had one player download a translator app just so we could communicate.

2) Use short sentences - a short sentence is easier to translate clearly and your grammar is likely to be better. Sentence structure is likely to be different in another language. So using YOUR best grammar and shorter sentences make it easier for another player to translate what you are saying.

3) Stay away from shorthand and slang - don't use things like PPL ,RMK, or Rev/Res, toon/alt/char take the time to spell it out so that a translator app can do its job. Slang, well what works with your friends at home probably will only confuse the player you are trying to help because the pronunciation and meaning of words and even letter combinations can differ widely between languages.

4) Say it a different way - If what you are trying to explain isn't coming across clearly, try using different words. I remember the trouble I had trying to explain the Consignment Store to a player (now a valuable guildmate) I finally remembered that I had seen it called "Auction House" and that did the trick.

5) Take them there - it doesn't take much work to send a friend request and ask them to follow you.

6) Be polite - These fellow players are doing something that many of us aren't, they are learning another language. Instead of "follow" try saying "Follow me please. I will show you

7) Ask them what country they are from - that might give you a clue as to what to call something, or how to phrase something.

8) Don't use contractions - I know there isn't much space in the chat window but take the time to use 2 words instead of one contraction. use "do not" instead of don't, use "I will" instead of I'll.

9) Ask questions - if what the other player is saying isn't making sense, ask a question to clear things up. Example: "did you mean the place where you can buy items?" It may be that a translator app has messed things up.

10) call for help - don't be afraid to call out to your guild or to other people in town if things don't seem to be progressing well. I think that most guilds are multi national. You might have someone in your guild who can help! Or there might be a guild for people from that country! Many countries have their own guilds now.

11) Cultural differences - Please keep in mind that different cultures consider some things to be inappropriate. As an example, the use of first names right away can be considered rude or prying. Try to keep your conversation to the game or the specific questions that are being asked. And if a player *bow* s to you it's ok to *bow* in return. I made a player very happy by simply returning a common gesture from his country.

I have made many friends who learned English as a 2nd or 3rd language. I only speak English We often confuse each other, but have a good time learning from each other. It all works because of the very first tip. We are patient with each other. :-)

I know many times we feel frustrated and maybe embarrassed because we don't seem to be communicating well with another player. We may want to get on with our game, Hook up with friends, or just chat with fellow guildies. Give this player a chance. Giving back to the community doesn't just include helping people you can talk to easily. Sometimes its giving up some of your time to just talk to someone who isn't from your country and doesn't speak your language.

Thanks to Scia, Gangbear, Xiang, and several others who either directly offered suggestions or who patiently put up with me as I tried to explain something to them.!!

Additional suggestions appreciated. I will do my best to keep this updated.

*Thanks to Dudetus for the tip on Cultural differences.
* Thanks to Sciazartek for the info on pronunciation

05-20-2012, 10:25 AM
Yeah, we can't post any threads to the "guides" section. Devs will move the thread to there if they consider the guide to be worthy enough to be transferred to there.

No offense but it is a bit ironic that this is a guide devoted to ease the language differences. Only the ones with "greater degree" in english are able to completely understand this guide. I guess it is meant to be that way to help the more skilled in english to interract with people who aren't good in english but it's still a bit ironic IMO.

Good work though :)

05-20-2012, 10:40 AM
Yeah, we can't post any threads to the "guides" section. Devs will move the thread to there if they consider the guide to be worthy enough to be transferred to there.

No offense but it is a bit ironic that this is a guide devoted to ease the language differences. Only the ones with "greater degree" in english are able to completely understand this guide. I guess it is meant to be that way to help the more skilled in english to interract with people who aren't good in english but it's still a bit ironic IMO.

Good work though :)

Yeah, it was meant for English speakers to help players who don't know English as their first language. Especially since English is the only language I know, and English is the primary language used in game. Well there are so many players from all over the globe, that the odds of even a multi lingual player knowing a particular language are very slim. In my guild alone we have players from Russia, Malaysia, Korea, Germany, several South American countries, Taiwan, Canada, the UK, and that's just what I can come up with off the top of my head. I won't even try to figure out the players who are in the USA but originally came from someplace else. LOL And since I'm the GM, everyone comes to me with their questions. :-)

05-20-2012, 11:07 AM
Yeah, it was meant for English speakers to help players who don't know English as their first language. Especially since English is the only language I know, and English is the primary language used in game. Well there are so many players from all over the globe, that the odds of even a multi lingual player knowing a particular language are very slim. In my guild alone we have players from Russia, Malaysia, Korea, Germany, several South American countries, Taiwan, Canada, the UK, and that's just what I can come up with off the top of my head. I won't even try to figure out the players who are in the USA but originally came from someplace else. LOL And since I'm the GM, everyone comes to me with their questions. :-)

Yes, there are many nationalities presented in this game since it is played worldwide. I feel this guide is useful for the ones who aren't accustomed to deal with people from another nationalities. I would like to propose adding some advice regarding to cultural differences. In some cultures it is not appropriate to ask for name etc. while some want to get to know better to others by revealing real names. Small things, but yet again this whole guide is based on relationships from another nationalities and therefore also another cultures, I do think it is essential to recognize the fact that people do behave differently in different cultures.

All in all this guide is actually useful :).

05-20-2012, 11:53 AM
Thanks, I tried to make sure that there wasn't something like this out there already. I also talked with some of my guildmates who don't speak English as their primary language & I used their input as well, so that it would be as useful as possible without being too overwhelming.

And you're right, I will add that bit about cultural differences. :-)

05-20-2012, 12:02 PM
Great thread. I run into this problem all too often, usually with the Hispanic population.

I think most know a fair bit of English, but most players with english as a first language will be completely lost.

It's amazing how Internetz speek is a universal language these days.

05-20-2012, 12:12 PM
Yes! For me it seems that I run into a lot of players from Europe and Asia. One of my guildies mentioned how when he first started playing PL, he was confused by the use of PPL He didn't know yet that it stood for People. Even now some players ask me what OMW stands for: for me it's, On My Way. I now have my ipad set to recognize acronym and enter it in fully typed out. It works most of the time. :-)

05-20-2012, 01:51 PM
You're Welcome !
Thanks to you for this great guide , i bet this helps alot of people !
Maybe you add to 3 or to a new column that the pronounce of letters or words is different in other languages.

05-20-2012, 02:22 PM
That's a nice helpful thread,good job

05-21-2012, 07:42 AM
@ ghost.mw, Thank you very much! @ Scia I updated Number 3. Let me know if you think of anything else, and thanks for the reminder, I remember now that we had discussed this in the guild hall.

05-21-2012, 11:26 AM
I help people who speak Spanish cause I know (-o-o) Spanish o.o
most of the people I helped are hispanics are Europeans, i have a good friend from Latvia, he knows English at a good degree, but he sometimes words things wrong lol so I know (-o-o) how helping foreign people can actually be difficult at times lol. It's best to have patiance, or you will get very frustrated if you don't

05-21-2012, 01:23 PM
I know what you mean. That's why "Be Patient" was number one on my list. :-) It does take patience and a willingness to take the time to work your way through a language barrier. Not everyone is able to do it. But for those that are . . . well the rewards are great!! A new friend, or even a guildmate.

05-21-2012, 04:45 PM
Or a new s.... Helper