View Full Version : Ranked Honor Guild PvP

07-03-2021, 05:34 PM
Introducing ranked honor pvp is such a remarkable development for pvp. It has certainly brought dynamism to pvp and most of the pvp players even those ones who quit the game were excited to play it which evenutally to some extent made pvp alive again. In my opinion, further developments can be made on the basis of ranked honor pvp system in order to make pvp more active and fun in alternative ways in additon to current ranked honor pvp. This is how the idea of ranked honor guild pvp emerged and formulated as below:

1. Guild masters choose guild members who can join the ranked honor guild pvp. Those who are not chosen will not be able to join.
2. It is similar to ranked honor pvp so all participants should equip their honor gears before matches.
3. A guild will be able to queue when minimum of 2 players from each class (minimum of 6 guild members) select the ready button.
4. A guild can only have 3 matches at the same time which requires 18 guild members (6 players from each class) to be able to queue.
5. Point sysem is similar to ranked honor pvp but with the higher range that is guilds can queue against other guilds who are under or above 200 points from them. By doing so, competition will be tense and the number of matches will increase.
6. The mode is deathmatch map. The difference here is it is 4v4 system. The system randomly choose which class will be played as 2 participants. For example, the system randomly choose 2 tank game and so those competitor guilds join the map as 2 tanks, 1 rogue and 1 mage lineup; or the system randomly choose 2 rogue game and so those competitor guilds join the map as 1 tank, 2 rogues and 1 mage lineup; or the system randomly choose 2 mage game and so those competitor guilds join the map as 1 tank, 1 rogue and 2 mages lineup (which is the reason of minimum of 2 players from each class to be able to queue for a guild).
7. In the end of the season, only top 3 guilds will be abe to get reward which is colored guild title during the next season. The number 1 guild title will be golden; the number 2 guild title will be silver; and the number 3 guild title will be bronze.

p.s. It is just a newly borned idea. So, feel free to criticize and add some more ideas about it if possible.

07-03-2021, 06:15 PM
Like the gold wager thing no one really uses. How about the add item wagers? People fighting for gears or rare vanities to make it more interesting

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07-03-2021, 09:25 PM

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07-04-2021, 01:37 AM
+1 love it.

07-05-2021, 03:14 PM
+1 Definitely a great idea !

07-05-2021, 03:15 PM
+1 good thanks