View Full Version : Extending Oil Elixer Crafting

07-05-2021, 09:41 AM
I am among top 10 winners for last Fishing 2021 event(IGN Hozukreti). Really enjoyed the event and challenges between players to maintain spot on top 10. I got some recipes and ingredients to craft elixer, but I can't crafts any elixir now because event already end. Could you please give us enough time to craft it first, these elixer also our rewards for times spend, almost or more than 12 hours every day spend during event. Still remaining some (around 20 pcs) recipes and ingredients to craft. I don't see any reminder about this elixer can't be crafts after end of event on Fishing event main thread, this option should be available as long as we got ingredients to craft it.

Pirate King Coffers (5 plat to open) also still there and contained Arcane recipes, but now useless if we open and get arcane recipe since we can't craft any of this elixirs anymore. I don't want all these ingredients and recipes goes waste, as I can see much demand for this elixer for current xp farming, gold farming and LB runner or upcoming events and level 81 cap, benefits to new, mid and max level players.

Please reconsider this, appreciate it.

Edited : sorry for bad English