View Full Version : Only dungeons?

05-21-2012, 05:42 PM
Hi pop here. I have been playing SL a lot since... i have to capp my 2nd toon..
while i was playing SL, ive noticed that there is not much fun exept playing same dungeons over and over and over and over again.
i understand that i'm required to grind the same map in order to get to capp. But same map over and over for more than 50 hours? isnt that little too much..?
so my thought is.. why not make different maps/themes that players can lvl without playing one single map/theme over and over again till get sick of it? :O could help many players to stay alive and get some motivation<?> to reach the cap..

Ive also noticed that only achievements available for players are:

i have excluded PVP because right now, pvp is very unfair and biased<?>.. (for engs)

well so my thought is ..
something that could be achieved with more tension and fun.. maybe like enhancing an wep with chance of destroying it?
something that is other than farming/lvling up

well this is what i had to say.. thankyou

05-21-2012, 10:10 PM
haha eng pvp is hard but not impossible,

but yeah i agree it does get boring after awhile i would like some more stuff added like you said with the possible fail at crafting that would add some more rarity to customs and maybe some more legendary drops that would spice it up a bit for more end game farming (there is none at moment) but most mmos its grinding pvp or farming, crafting is never done right imo

05-22-2012, 07:33 PM
agree on expanding achievements and differently themed maps

but Pop, u really need to try and read past 5 first pages - lots of good stuff've already been suggested - like making an 'endless' zone with mixed enemies coming in waves and getting stronger while drops are getting more epic with progress ))

really tired to rewrite all suggestions right now, but i guess i might make a list of the most epic :D