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View Full Version : Attack Type PVP?

05-22-2012, 04:05 AM
What do you think of Pure Pink LVL 20 Assaults and 3Att, 3Damage,1HP Passives fare for PVP?

05-22-2012, 11:01 AM
It's probably best to have at least 3 vigorous gems, if not four so as to have your HP in the 1k-1.1k range.

Attack is fairly useless, along with defense. Best to let equipment boost those.

I'm also fairly certain it's not yet possible to have 3SP in the damage passive - level cap.

That being said, damage and HP are by far the most useful stats/passives.

Putting so many skill points in passives will neuter your character as you won't have access to the best skills. At L20 I respec'd my character from passive heavy to a pvp build with 2SP in damage, 1SP in HP. Trust me when I say you will be absolutely slaughtered by properly spec'd players because your damage output will be terrible compared to theirs.

05-22-2012, 03:40 PM
So true. I agree with Nassar there all the way.

Additionally I think the damage and hp yield diminishing returns after two sp (arguably the hp already after one, vigor gems yield better).
I've been using exactly the same build as nassar there. It has faired well. Until the two handeds made me stop playing...

05-22-2012, 09:20 PM
Yeah, I don't think it'd be worth putting another SP in damage (only +5) or HP (only +50).

From a PvP standpoint, it'd probably be better to put those in an active skill since, even damage and blood cost will maintain the same ratio, your damage output per second increases allowing you to deal more damage in a shorter amount of time - giving you the edge in 1v1, probably 1vmany, more time/HP left to locate a heart and since you've finished off your enemy quicker, they probably haven't dealt as much damage to you as they could have.

05-23-2012, 12:34 AM
But if almost everyone uses the same skill build, with hp being in the 1k+ range, how will I end them quick?

05-23-2012, 02:04 AM
By being the first to use a charged Fatal Burst and/or knowing when to continue a regular combo or use a charged regular attack to stun first.

Also smarter/faster use of skills off cool down.

05-24-2012, 06:10 AM
Hey all, the level 21 pink gems can also boost up your stats.
Also with plat weapons dominating in dps, damage, health the stats can be modified according to the type of weapon u have and also your enemies LOL.
Enirea 21