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View Full Version : Suggestion: Add HQ to PVP Maps

05-24-2012, 04:42 PM
Please add a Head Quarters (HQ) to our PVP maps. I think a game where a team is trying to first obtain and then protect a common location could really spice up PVP game play and introduce new player strategies. I really love the direction that DL went with PVP and think that HQ would be an awesome addition.

05-25-2012, 06:42 PM
I think a game where a team is trying to first obtain and then protect a common location could really spice up PVP game play

Um, don't we have this already?? This sounds exactly like DM, and even CTF. In DM you obtain/protect the center of the ring, and in CTF you protect the flag room...

What would the point be of adding a 'second' headquarters to these? Where would it go and what would it be used for? Or are you talking about a 3rd pvp they should add?

05-25-2012, 06:43 PM
When I came to this thread, I thought you were asking for a room where ALL PVP people could gather and then branch off into different pvp modes/arenas. Kinda like the subway.

^ This is what I want! lol

05-26-2012, 04:19 AM
I like that idea chilla, we could have something like a square (could be called sucker's square :P) with the blood fountain in the middle and different pvp mods entrances around, and the entrance to the square would be the same as pvps' now