View Full Version : Weapons from packs vs bundles? Is there a difference?

05-25-2012, 06:08 PM
Are the rare weapons from packs better than the ones that are guaranteed from bundles, or are the stats the same?

Both of them are better than regular pinks right?

05-25-2012, 06:31 PM
Bundles are guaranteed pinks and second tier compared to the (legendary, rare) pinks available from packs, which are a cut above.

Packs also have a chance to give you second tier pinks.

But yes, they're better than pinks. The second tier ones aren't that much better, though..

05-25-2012, 08:39 PM
I'm still kind of confused...all pinks are technically called 'legendary'. But is this how it works?

Rare pinks - Packs
2nd tier pinks - Bundles, Packs
Pinks - Missions, Bundles (not packs?)

How can you tell the difference between second tier and legendary pinks, just the stats or are they labeled? Also, are the plain pinks you can get from bundles tradable?

Sorry for so many questions! I never even knew there were '2nd tier pinks'.

05-25-2012, 09:00 PM
1st tier pinks = Electric Headsman, Ecliptic Moon Gem, Pestilence, Firebrand
2nd tier pinks = the rest of the plat pinks
3rd tier pinks = drop pinks

There's not much difference between 3rd and 2nd tier. There's no label, these are just user categories and are unofficial.

You can't trade plat items - period.