View Full Version : Free For All Discussion

05-25-2012, 09:52 PM
Well, i beleive that pvp in Pocket Legends should be FFA. i hate the fact that if you "rush" someone they just get raged and talk crap to you and then keep trying to kill you whether they can succeed or not. This is the most annoying part of pvp for me. What i wish would happe is to not let each team talk to each other or whisper to each other so that there is no way to say "go" or "rusher".

Below just say whether you would like this idea in pvp or not.

05-26-2012, 12:46 AM
I think people shouldnt make posts about rushing, or any other things related to the subject. If you like rushing, then rush, if you dont, be a rager. And im pretty sure there hasnt been one thread like this solving any problems or helping the community.

05-26-2012, 03:05 PM
I don't mind ffa if everyone knows and the teams are even. It isn't fun going against three people when you are by yourself.

05-26-2012, 03:09 PM
Well, i beleive that pvp in Pocket Legends should be FFA. i hate the fact that if you "rush" someone they just get raged and talk crap to you and then keep trying to kill you whether they can succeed or not. This is the most annoying part of pvp for me. What i wish would happe is to not let each team talk to each other or whisper to each other so that there is no way to say "go" or "rusher".

Below just say whether you would like this idea in pvp or not.
I say the best idea (credit to whoever came up with this cause I didn't) is have one pvp map area to be Free For All and another group of maps be 1v1.

05-26-2012, 03:13 PM
I say the best idea (credit to whoever came up with this cause I didn't) is have one pvp map area to be Free For All and another group of maps be 1v1.
We already have a 1v1 map, people just don't bother to use it. Tbh I believe all pvp aside from the 1v1 map should be FFA, if you can't react in time then that's your problem.

*Note* I never pvp so im not trying advocate that to better myself, just my 2¢

05-26-2012, 03:22 PM
I think you should do what the host of the game says, hosts who want FFA will get FFA and hosts who want 1v1 will get 1v1. So when someone joins say if it's FFA or 1v1.

05-26-2012, 04:16 PM
Rush if you want to, but don't try to get others to follow your ways.

05-26-2012, 05:54 PM
Rushing isn't how PvP was, it's an excuse players make to give some substance and reason for their actions.

Rushers, the majority of the twink rushers, pick on the lower level people they know they can beat. True rushers will rush anyone. That is the definition of rushing. If you're really supporting the old way of PvP, rush like that, don't rush the newbs just to boost your KD.

Those who just rush the noobs aren't rushers; they're cowards and superficial folk who need the self-confidence boost that numbers and ratios provide.

05-26-2012, 06:07 PM
The problem is if you don't teach new players HOW to PvP, they will rush like it's perfectly normal, which it really should be, based on how the maps were MADE for FFA. If someone rushes just tell them to stop if you want to do a 1v1 match (which seriously use the 1v1 map for) and either they listen or continue. It's not a decision overall, it's based on the actions of each individual PvPer in the map.

05-28-2012, 04:27 PM
I think people shouldnt make posts about rushing, or any other things related to the subject. If you like rushing, then rush, if you dont, be a rager. And im pretty sure there hasnt been one thread like this solving any problems or helping the community.

Chill out bro!! He just wants to have a discussion about, not every post has to change the game or benefit the whole community. People just wanna chat about certain things, your comment didn't benefit anyone or the community :P

05-29-2012, 11:44 AM
Rushing isn't how PvP was, it's an excuse players make to give some substance and reason for their actions.

Rushers, the majority of the twink rushers, pick on the lower level people they know they can beat. True rushers will rush anyone. That is the definition of rushing. If you're really supporting the old way of PvP, rush like that, don't rush the newbs just to boost your KD.

Those who just rush the noobs aren't rushers; they're cowards and superficial folk who need the self-confidence boost that numbers and ratios provide.

On the spot. This happens a lot and is very childlike.

05-29-2012, 12:28 PM
you should just quit PL pvp and start playing DL pvp. FFA and rushing are expected there. :)
Imo, DL pvp is lots more fun the PL. PL is boring with everyone asking "ready", "go" and naming their targets and having the targets say go and them saying go again, then have a 5 second battle and say "gf" and wait and start all over again.

In DL as soon as the gate drops it's time to "go" and its survival of the fitest. :) Plus the battles take a lot longer and are more fun.