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View Full Version : help with my new merch character

05-26-2012, 04:37 PM
I mean help as in looks,name,etc.
What should i name it?

My twinks are truebadd truereturns ipvphavocpvpi and my main is plmafiaboss. I was thinking plmafiamerch but theres probably better names.

What class should it be?

Bird bear or mage

And for each classes what should I wear just to look cool? And what level should it be?

I was thinking 10.

Thx. Just want some suggestions on this stuff

Also what kinds of vanities and such should i use

05-26-2012, 04:45 PM
It wont matter if its a "merch" char. Or do u want to pvp with it?

05-26-2012, 04:49 PM
It wont matter if its a "merch" char. Or do u want to pvp with it?I have a bunch of twinks already. Most not posted above. Those just my main ones. I just want a character to have all the items I have for sale and to roll in town with saying s) bla bla bla and i want it to look cool :p. It's just a merch char

05-26-2012, 04:51 PM
I like bears with like full bone stuff.. (lvl 10 bone plate, bone ears/plat skull helm, and idk about weapon

05-26-2012, 05:06 PM
I might get to 10 with no kills and boost to 1337 pvp and ctf kills :p then maybe make my deaths in those areas 1337. Then score 1337 flags :O lol

05-26-2012, 06:27 PM
That's called an immortal twink.

Lovenus did one when it was popular.

05-26-2012, 09:14 PM
Um well tbh u just need to read a merching guide, although i know none of those tell you how too look awesome,

Try this-
My old look

Make a 35 bear
Voodoo armour
Go to the plat store look in leather helms, the ones that look like robin hood, get the black one with a red feather
then a DL shield

U'll look pro

Also good helms with this:
Vyx(u will need to level to 40 then)
Devil horns

05-26-2012, 09:20 PM
My merch uses a luck vanity helm, a lvl 10 dark forest leather, and a snowball launcher. All green, make the name something with merch in it, and go to lvl 10.

05-26-2012, 09:31 PM
I made it earlier. Its plmafiamerch with zero kills deaths in all areas red page black armor and a party hat :p pretty plain but im putting an expert armor torch flame ears and some shield with that tomorrow

05-26-2012, 09:32 PM
That's called an immortal twink.

Lovenus did one when it was popular.I did not know that. Imma Do it :p