View Full Version : More hotbars

07-29-2021, 04:05 AM
I mean 8 is alright for mages and rogues but for tanks right now at 76 cap, most of top tier warriors use almost all 8 for just loadouts for gear switching (Doz axe, Doz aeg, Ebon aeg, Glint aeg, Pull/ms, Bd, Gl) . I can imagine when 81 expansion drops and we suddenly have more combos for gears but we run out of hotbars and gear loadout slots...

07-29-2021, 11:27 AM
LOL, why do you talk only about warrior? I thought most of TOP TIER rogues got FLAME daggers? and mages got HEX STAFF, such a POWERFUL WEAPONS at 76, Im sure pve rogues and mages use all 8 hotbars to switch all their outdated gears too!

Just leave it alone tbh. Rogs got flame daggs to have op clear and 75% dmg reduc with combos while mages still have the hex staff to combo with which could still inflict great tick damage against groups of mobs. You just don't see the other classes use them as much since who does the clearing in wave type maps in the first place? Obviously, the warriors. Threads like these just quickly escalate into back and forth chaos so it's better to just close down the topic for good...

07-31-2021, 12:51 AM
LOL, why do you talk only about warrior? I thought most of TOP TIER rogues got FLAME daggers? and mages got HEX STAFF, such a POWERFUL WEAPONS at 76, Im sure pve rogues and mages use all 8 hotbars to switch all their outdated gears too!

Excuse me, but I'm just citing the best example of using most if not all hotbars. And didn't I mention that other classes don't really require it since they don't have to clear the most often?

07-31-2021, 02:00 AM
-1 would only benefit one class

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07-31-2021, 06:55 AM
-1 would only benefit one class

Sent from my LM-K500 using Tapatalk

Seriously though, wouldn't other classes benefit from it too like for switching pets, opening elixirs, and the like? Besides, it isn't forcing you to max it out just like all the other slots. If you need more you can buy more and the game should support it. If you don't need it personally, then simply don't spend on it. It isn't like you're at a disadvantage when clearly you're not since you won't be needing to spend more on slots you won't be using anyways. Let those who need more hotbars have more hotbars and those that don't can simply ignore this change as it wouldn't be affecting them anyways...

07-31-2021, 08:34 AM
-1 would only benefit one class

Sent from my LM-K500 using Tapatalk

Yes but at same time it will make 1 class to invest more then other classes isn’t it unfair to one class too at the same time it’s beneficial .
Because other classes do not event need to max out there hotbars its there choice at current time too.
Its more of a luxury to have more hotbars and there is nothing wrong with that.
Where ms and gl are two slots which every class need to have as minimum and a main gear slot on top of that most player still play with only 3-4 hot bars does it force them to buy more hot bars no! Its not cause hotbars are pure luxury and its only necessity to tank class

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