View Full Version : Suggestions about pvp

08-03-2021, 03:40 AM
1) allow us to respec in pvp (in all pvp modes)... I don't see any problem if it will be allowed to respec in pvp rooms when you aren't in fight and skills not at cooldown...
2) since pvp isn't active as before, allow us to go different pvp maps (different pvp modes) without leaving pvp room (atm I can't go forest dm while I'm at beach dm through world map... don't understand why it was made like that...)
3) make ctf room opened without getting 3-5 players each side... ikr it was made against abusing bugs or dummy farmers... but last half year I have never seen any clash in ctf, not even 1x1, i see only people who asking to join them to help ctf map and make their aps even using autoclickers... also would be nice if ctf map isn't getting closed after 4 flags by one of sides
(Ikr sounds like I'm going farming dummies haha, but I just want play pvp in different maps, if you have better suggestion how to make ctf alive again - feel free to post it)
4) return matchmaking for normal pvp (same as it works for ranked honor atm), it can be without lb and ranks ... it was fun :)
5) instead matchmaking (4), maybe something like players in party can create game for example me with my friend(s) want play 2x2/3x3 (and choosing certain classes) with somebody, and instead waiting enemy in pvp rooms, we can start game and it would be showed in new menu where other players can accept or start their own fights like that ...
6) in addition to (5) would be nice when guild can start game, and any other guild can accept that fight, instead sending fights to certain guilds and waiting their master online..
7) allow officers to send/accept guild fights... or make new rank in guilds like co-master who will be allowed to do it
8) return ffa mode... (which was at lvl66 expansion) but bigger map and more players (higher score to finish room, maybe also reset pet aa cd when you kill somebody)
9) allow us to watch who is in pvp rooms, or at least how many players (instead going all pvp maps checking if somebody else want to play)
10) not a big problem, but mage's curse is too op, also it's reducing enemy damage very unfair against mephisto users/arcane armor procs/all pets with non stacking %damage. Same with skratch gun proc (that part which supposed to reduce only 15%damage but reducing much more because removes all nonstacking %damage from enemy). Can tell same about pets with passive to reduce enemy dmg... I would like if all those "reduce enemy damage" would reduce it from overall enemy damage instead how it works now... but as I said it's not big problem since there are not many pvp mages in normal mode and pets have low chances to reduce enemy dmg.

About honor ranked pvp (I don't really care about honor pvp and didn't play it much, didn't climb at lb, but after I played it by all 3 classes i got these suggestions in my mind):
1) make it anonymous (can't see names and vanities, instead names it would show only warrior/mage/rogue in chat)... at pts like 1650 or lower - 90% of games goes with toxicism, putting all to ignore is not solution
2) disable enemy chat
3) add timer and walls at start of game like in guild battlegrounds (for ppl with high ping or slow devices).
4) (for non-ranked honor too) rogue's crits sometimes annoying.. increase its chance to 70% and reduce rogue damage, or remove crits and add some dmg for rogue), also stun time by charged daggers attack could be reduced too (idk what makes that stun so long, but in normal pvp stun time by daggers much shorter)
5) add some hp or defence for warriors in honor pvp... without jugg warriors die faster than rogues, I felt like warrior is support and mage is tank. Reduce jugg cd for honor pvp would be good (for example 30sec instead 40). For normal pvp too but at 76 warriors got enough %haste to survive and other buffs to kill, maybe make jugg cd 30sec for all types pvp, but make it not affected by %haste.