View Full Version : All campaigns suggestion: Introduce rare spawning mini-bosses that drop rare vanities

05-31-2012, 10:47 PM
Forgive me for the length of this suggestion, but as in all things I feel strongly about, I will write in excess.

Background: A month or two after the Shadow Caves were released, player interest in farming this campaign dropped significantly due to the high level of difficulty. The Shadow Caves is now extremely empty and void of any sort of activity whatsoever. I believe it was Cinco who designed a rare-spawning mini-boss that would drop the legendary Vyxnaar Helm of Hate in an attempt to improve replayability. Interest sparked once more for this campaign, but again the difficulty of this elite dungeon outweighed the benefits. The concept and implementation of rare-spawning miniboss was abandoned in Nuri's Hallows and Mt. Fang.

Current issues:
1. Replayability of old campaigns is a large issue when a new cap campaign is released; this is obviously common sense as most players will flock to new content. Once most players reach cap level (or elite cap level), most likely they will never set foot in previous campaigns ever again, as these campaigns do not have much to offer them.
2. Rare vanity and pink drops are a bit too rare in current cap-level campaigns as evidenced by player complaints on running dungeons constantly 1xx-2xx times without getting a single pink drop.

Introduce rare-spawning mini-bosses in certain maps in old campaigns and new campaigns. Specifically, Alien Oasis, Balefort Sewers, Nuri's Hallows, and Mt. Fang. The appearance of these mini-bosses are obviously up to you, the devs, discretion but having them spawn extremely infrequently (1 in 100 runs) may also prove to be a deterrent to run old campaigns. These mini-bosses can drop specific vanities that are specific to each campaign that, when combined together, will form set bonuses. For example, Mt Fang has the rare dragon vanity set that only drops in that campaign, while Balefort Sewers can have a rare super unicorn vanity set that only drops there. Mini-bosses that drop rare vanities also improves a player's odds of grabbing a vanity without directly affecting a main boss' odds of drop.

I believe replayability in old campaigns will improve once players reach cap level, as they do not have much else to do except keep running the same maps over and over again until they get more end-game gear to sell.

Issues to think about:
1. Minibosses difficulty - should they be extremely strong or should they reflect the difficulty of main bosses of the respective campaign?
2. High-leveled players entering zones where lower-leveled players are in may cause some problems such as kill-stealing or begging to get power-leveled.
3. Vanity stats/appearance - how strong do the vanity stat bonuses need to be, and how awesome do they need to look to provide more incentive for players to farm older campaigns?

Thank you for hearing me out.

05-31-2012, 11:20 PM
1. Miniboss difficulty - Usually mini-bosses can be difficult so I would recommend making them like the boss at the end but w/o the special attacks that the BIG bosses have at Mount Fang. It may be difficult but that drop could be something very valuable so I could see people taking time to kill the mini-boss.

2. High-leveled players entering... - Agree, no need to discuss.

3. Vanity stats/appearance - They will need to look pretty amazing for a majority of the players to run back to the older campaigns for sure. I know for a fact it takes some people a lot just for them to farm for something cool. Regarding the stat bonuses I believe they should deal with health, mana, hit %, a little bit of armor, and some damage. That is for certain sets though.
Just my opinion on things.

05-31-2012, 11:24 PM
So basically, like Billy Bob McCroc? Who drops the Hooch Hats?

05-31-2012, 11:30 PM
Yes sir! Except he has a 100% drop rate, he spawns quite frequently, and he is too easy to kill.

Maybe another thing to think about is location of the spawn...fighting a boss and a rare spawning mini boss at the same time might be cool.

05-31-2012, 11:32 PM
I'm curious, would you rather have really rare miniboss with a 100% drop rate, or a semi rare miniboss with a rare drop rate?

06-01-2012, 12:06 AM

06-01-2012, 01:42 AM
I'd want one where:
Semi Hard to kill. Not easy but not so difficult that I need a group of pros.
Spawns 20% Of the time
Pink Chance 2% (In a group of 5 That's a 10% Chance) So you can see a drop (Theroreticly) A couple times an hour.

06-01-2012, 12:50 PM
I would agree. Like the boss that drops hoochs, and Vyx, but rarer and in more than one map.

06-01-2012, 02:28 PM
Semi rare boss with a low drop rate...but not so low that it's almost not worth farming!

06-02-2012, 10:50 PM
A lot of maps already have "semi-rare" mini bosses (sewers, Midas in AO) that could simply be adapted for this purpose. I use term "semi-rare" loosely because some of them, like Midas, show up more often than not, but not every time. They could just make these existing mini-bosses appear less and improve their drops. Of course, new bosses would be cooler, but this would be easier to implement quickly.

06-03-2012, 07:13 AM
Kinda like vyx in the shadow caves

Also kinda unrelated but a black ice/cyber type quest could also bring these to life(yes i know it's been mentioned a billion times)

06-03-2012, 09:02 AM
Yes sir! Except he has a 100% drop rate, he spawns quite frequently, and he is too easy to kill.

Maybe another thing to think about is location of the spawn...fighting a boss and a rare spawning mini boss at the same time might be cool.

Uhh, where exactly do you plan on going with this Unicorn Vanity Set idea Physi...Psychio...Physcio..Physcio...Physical..Phy siologic!

06-03-2012, 09:04 AM
I'd want one where:
Semi Hard to kill. Not easy but not so difficult that I need a group of pros.
Spawns 20% Of the time
Pink Chance 2% (In a group of 5 That's a 10% Chance) So you can see a drop (Theroreticly) A couple times an hour.

No to that, because then it would be worth way less than Hooch hat, due to the overfarming of Mount Fang right now.

06-03-2012, 10:02 AM
Vular Ticker...

06-03-2012, 10:09 AM
To avoid the high level players farming just make it so if you are above a certain level, the boss will not spawn

06-03-2012, 10:12 AM
A lot of maps already have "semi-rare" mini bosses (sewers, Midas in AO) that could simply be adapted for this purpose. I use term "semi-rare" loosely because some of them, like Midas, show up more often than not, but not every time. They could just make these existing mini-bosses appear less and improve their drops. Of course, new bosses would be cooler, but this would be easier to implement quickly.never heard of Midas. Ill try to find him! But before i embark, does he drop anything good?

06-03-2012, 11:20 AM
never heard of Midas. Ill try to find him! But before i embark, does he drop anything good?

In CTK, by the Shadows. And no.

Actually, the Shadow Cave Vyx is a perfect example, just no vanity.

06-03-2012, 11:43 AM
A lot of maps already have "semi-rare" mini bosses (sewers, Midas in AO) that could simply be adapted for this purpose. I use term "semi-rare" loosely because some of them, like Midas, show up more often than not, but not every time. They could just make these existing mini-bosses appear less and improve their drops. Of course, new bosses would be cooler, but this would be easier to implement quickly.
Minas spawns always, at times it's when you arrive at shadow spot or you have to Whipe out shadow area till he aappears, takes sometime but he will always spawn

06-03-2012, 11:48 AM
I'm guessing something more along the lines of the ghost guys from DL? I don't play DL but have only heard about them. I love the suggestion and STS is completely able to implement it in Humania/Scorn 2. Hopefully they aren't too hard since Shadow Caves are still a ghost town, but I like the concept and hope STS will take it into consideration. +1

06-04-2012, 06:13 AM
In CTK, by the Shadows. And no.

Actually, the Shadow Cave Vyx is a perfect example, just no vanity.

Also Victory Lap. It's been quite a while since I played AO3, but I think in VL he's known to drop good stuff. Not in CTK though.

06-05-2012, 03:35 AM
I like the idea.

But Alien Oasis 3 is still crowded by endgame players due to Cyber questline.

I am not too sure though about the vanity set thing. The game has become sort of Vanity based and I would prefer some epic questline over vanity sets. Not necessarily like Cyber, but still some epic elite quests.