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View Full Version : Chat system improvements?

06-03-2012, 02:26 PM
Can we have different tabs for chat (guild, team, global)?

It's really annoying having to type /g before talking to guild and /r before replying (and it's really really annoying if you're pm'ing more than one person) and the thing that bugs me the most is that team chat is NOT default in PvP.

So please, if it's not possible for us to have chat tabs soon, Can we please have team chat be default in PvP and global chat through /all or something? I don't want to have to type /team (mid battle) every time i wanna talk to my teammates (i simply end up not talking at all).

06-04-2012, 01:01 PM
Or at least make team chat in different color because right now its impossible to tell if your teammate writes to your team or if everyone else can see it...

@Delphina. I tried to send you PM as you told me to do but I can't find a button in mobile version of this website. Ign FallenAngel