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View Full Version : Please remove your energy system

06-03-2012, 04:46 PM
I love this game to death and it has so much potential. I just don't see it having that same potential as the other games you've programmed because of the integrated energy system. Why are you limiting your players so they can't enjoy the game as they please? I think the whole concept of programming a game would be so people can enjoy it. Don't make an energy system as what Zynga does with their games. Please don't turn into the Zynga corporation and force your players to purchase energy or wait 24 hours for replenishment to continue playing. There's a reason why Pocket Legends is such a popular game and it's because you can play as you please while enjoying beneficial multiplayer aspects(without any limiting energy system of course). If Pocket Legends had the energy system integrated into it I don't think it would have became as popular as it has. So PLEASE listen to a valued community member and a fan of SpaceTimeStudios and think of other concepts you can use other than an energy system that limits the players from gaming. I promise you that if you removed this system, more people would end up continuing this game in the future. It just hurts me that I played such a beautiful game (Dark Legends) and then come to find out you have this type of timed energy system. Please SpaceTimeStudios remove this energy system from your Dark Legends game.

Thank you for your time,

A valued customer

06-03-2012, 05:24 PM
Hello hytekk! Please view this announcement thread here. In the future, 3d missions will not cost energy:
I'm going to close this thread now.