View Full Version : Booting: Where is the Line?

08-19-2010, 06:15 PM
When it comes to booting people in games, many players abuse this tool. Now I ask for your opinion... when does booting become inappropriate, or cross the line?

Some of the things:

Booting only weaker powerlevelers in Mynas 3: is that okay? What is the reason or defense behind this? Is it to save spots for higher powerlevelers? But i mean if you do that no one will ever get there, right?

Non 45s booting on Mynas: Oftentimes I will join a Mynas 3 game to level my bear fast and get booted by someone that's a level 30. That really makes me angry, as its sort of a noob wants 45s only in his party and too much greed.

InstaBooting: People now seem to have no patience. They just boot right even before your game loads, rendering you unable to even share your side of the story.

RageBooting: Sometimes I will be leveling on Fathom Crypt, when the whole party dies (Dead Eyes) and the host just boots everyone. I asked one host about this, and he replied, "theres no room for an enchantress who doesn't heal or revive." this was in ao2, and personally I saw all the enchantresses healing and reviving, and one host dying because his bird couldn't evade.

RandomBooting: People just randomly booting for power.

FriendsPartyBooting: oftentimes you are very qualified, but you get booted because you are not one of their party doing runs, or just aren't known.

SoloBooting: People boot oftentimes because they want to solo. They could have set up a password. Also, soloing only gets you a higher kill count, not a better chance for pinks.

There are many more situations. Now, I ask you forum viewers, what's your stance? Is booting okay? What is considered too far? What is totally cool? and where should this lead from now on?

Please feel free to share all opinions and add input. Please feel very restricted from flaming. This is my entry to discussion. This is not a rant.


08-19-2010, 06:26 PM
Remembering the time when we couldn't boot...When there were leechers who didn't get a kill the ENTIRE game....I appreciate booting. I believe you should level in your own set of levels, and 99.9% of the time you won't be booted if you do that. I never experienced any booting problems, and I see it as a privelage to have the boot option. I understand 1 or 2 crazy ppl might boot you for a stupid reason, but on the most part I'm glad booting is there. You don't need a level 20 helping you rush an AO2 level.

08-19-2010, 06:39 PM
I'm also talking about booting 45s.. which I had never seen before, but has become a rampant problem after 1.3 came out. I guess it may just be a new trend.

08-19-2010, 06:43 PM
I have been leveling a a newb lately and everytime some full of himself *** boots him I add em to my ignore. And the ignore spans all characters.

08-19-2010, 06:45 PM
There's a simple solution: host your own game.


08-19-2010, 06:48 PM
Haha lol asommera

08-19-2010, 06:48 PM
There's a simple solution: host your own game.


I have! But everytime I join my game I boot myself! So ridiculous! :p

08-19-2010, 06:51 PM
Asommers, easier said then done. Create a new character, give em a random name, make em 45 and create a game and see how long it takes 4 45's to join. People have a tendency to join games that have more then one person. And if you make it yourself you get a bunch of low levels you feel bad about booting.

08-19-2010, 06:53 PM
Asommers, easier said then done. Create a new character, give em a random name, make em 45 and create a game and see how long it takes 4 45's to join. People have a tendency to join games that have more then one person. And if you make it yourself you get a bunch of low levels you feel bad about booting.

That's why you make a farming party before you make a game, or you just invite friends and say "Hurry!" or "Woah, come look at this!" and they will join ;)

08-19-2010, 08:36 PM
Yeah, I generally either host or play with a group of friends so I know I won't get booted. If I have to boot for some reason (which is not often), I tell the person sorry for booting them etc.

08-19-2010, 08:55 PM
There's a simple solution: host your own game.


as said, easier said than done. I go in, lv45, on mynas 3, boom, 4 noobs ready to leech in my name. but I go in, with my tank in training, and I sit there,for about ever until I get disconnected for being afk.

08-19-2010, 09:53 PM
I was booted from a game by someone and got this sarcastic message saying something like Royal highness bootilicious... Same thing for hubby and friend. Hurt all of our feelings. Everyone got the same sarcastic message. It felt like booting was a joke:(

I think booting has its place. I'm grateful we have it as an option. I only boot levels below 30, people who play and are nasty, or if someone already playing gets disconnected then I save the spot for them. I boot very rarely and I always try to explain nicely.

I agree that perhaps asommers is oversimplifying things. I host closed games plenty. But sometimes friends aren't on or I want to just open a game & see who shows up... I meet some great people that way- like Snakespeare:) I played w him before I saw him on the forum because of an open game.

08-20-2010, 03:17 AM
I've been booted twice.

First time was after I didn't pay some guy some gold after I joined his game.
Second time was when I refused to resurrect someone who kept running ahead, aggro'ing 10+ mobs and getting killed then just demanding 'rez' while we were clearing up his mess.

08-20-2010, 09:46 PM
I am appalled by the rudeness and sheer venom in some of the players of mynas 3. i recently had a level 20 telling me to leave because i was "stealing his friends kills"
then I also had a guy who intentionally waited until I bought a xp pot till he booted me. that's real money folks. down the drain cuz some lower level noob can't stand to avoid one tragic comedy and share some xp.