View Full Version : cant log in for more than 5 seconds

06-04-2012, 11:35 PM
so SL was working just FINE and all of a sudden i get disconnected
ok so i log back in and after 5 seconds......DISCONNECTED
tried a hundred times and same issue....
tried on my laptop and same issue..........

PL AND DL are working just fine no problems
thought maybe i was getting "hacked"
reset password
logged back in and guess what? keep getting disconnected

please tell me its just a server issue and im not losing my account?!!??!?

06-05-2012, 12:35 AM
!!! That's very serious.
Please let a Moderator or Administrator know.
Maybe they could fix the problem.

06-05-2012, 01:08 AM
Same here, was at base checking auction, disconnected.
Cant get back in after login, shows the avatar screen and disconnected each time.
Using android ics and ipad2, doesnt seem to be device related

06-05-2012, 01:13 AM
hm, let me see. if so check guild they had problem in PL where one big guild nobody could login without being booted off server everytime they logged in

06-05-2012, 02:26 AM
oh great, how can we check guild if we logged out after logged in?? Nice we have a big guild and can't use it :(

It makes sence i was on alt, which was outside guild and it was working fine till i switched.

06-05-2012, 02:27 AM
Hi Tear, I think it is related to the size of our guild. It seems all members of our guild are in the same boat. There was a similar issue in PL and they created a fix for it. They can do that for us too I think. Don't know how else to approach it. Any ideas?

06-05-2012, 02:31 AM
i wanna boot someone lol, but im not THAT fast XD

i guess we made our 10k member, congrats! (or not)


confirmed it's a guild issue, after 7 tries or so, im back in my account on alt outside guild (have to be quick to switch), YAY!! \(^.^)/

Sorry for those who are in League of Assassinz, we hope for a quick fix.

We contacted STS for a fix asap. It seems that this issue has been before in pocket legends, but it looks like SL never got patched. If you have an alt (or account) outside LOA, you are able to play.

if you are able to get in, try to contact tearaimy or tearaele

06-05-2012, 03:09 AM
Ahh.. This sux : ((

06-05-2012, 04:29 AM
my main account got
disconnected from server
when loading today's
but another account is
working...my Exsoul leave guild no fine
so i must left guild? :(

I dont know...so i sent to support xp

06-05-2012, 04:39 AM
no don't leave...be patient till fix arrives.
you can't leave anyway, it disconnects to quickly...i tried lol

06-05-2012, 04:53 AM
no don't leave...be patient till fix arrives.
you can leave anyway, it disconnects to quickly...i tried lol

ok i try and no worry i'll be back as Exsoul :)

06-05-2012, 06:47 AM
Glad I saw this.
Thanks for putting this on the forums guys.
Was freaking for a moment

06-05-2012, 08:21 AM
not sure how, but problem is solved. Sorry we had to boot "a few" (spring cleaning) so we could play again. If you miss us. you are welcome to rejoin!

06-05-2012, 08:39 AM
can we now pls get some guild maintenance features? searching rank/name/lvl? last played date?
As you can see it is really killing us ;)

06-05-2012, 12:59 PM
Wait, this is really strange, are the people from LOA specifically getting hacked? Because I have a few friends in SL LOA and one I know is getting this same log in issue. Is this a hack? Because that's really screwed :/

06-05-2012, 01:33 PM
Wait, this is really strange, are the people from LOA specifically getting hacked? Because I have a few friends in SL LOA and one I know is getting this same log in issue. Is this a hack? Because that's really screwed :/

Nope not hacks, just guild hit size limit and when too many people are online or when it loads all the memebers it goes uhhhhh im tired and disconnects you i believe :) but im not a dev so i cant completely say what it does when you have a huge guild lol

Sent front my HTC Evo 3D using tapatalk 2

06-05-2012, 01:39 PM
Hey guys,

The issue as I understand it, is that your guild is too big. When you log in the game wants to send your client info about all of your guild members. We recently capped the size of guilds to 3,000 people. When you have that many in your guild, it causes problems. At this time, our recommendation is that you not create guilds of that size.

06-05-2012, 01:41 PM
Hey guys,

The issue as I understand it, is that your guild is too big. When you log in the game wants to send your client info about all of your guild members. We recently capped the size of guilds to 3,000 people. When you have that many in your guild, it causes problems. At this time, our recommendation is that you not create guilds of that size.

3000 member guilds? Woah. LOL

06-05-2012, 03:12 PM
Hey guys,

The issue as I understand it, is that your guild is too big. When you log in the game wants to send your client info about all of your guild members. We recently capped the size of guilds to 3,000 people. When you have that many in your guild, it causes problems. At this time, our recommendation is that you not create guilds of that size.

Yes of course, but give us we can use so we can prevent it, member counter, last time logged on in account.
How to know who to boot? I dont know who logged of yesterday or last year.

I mean we even dont know how many members we have! how can we be aware of something that is unknown!? And why did we all get locked out? why not limit/stop being able to invite or ppl accept guild invites? This is lockout bug or whatever it was is huge bug! fix it!

06-05-2012, 07:15 PM
Hey guys,

The issue as I understand it, is that your guild is too big. When you log in the game wants to send your client info about all of your guild members. We recently capped the size of guilds to 3,000 people. When you have that many in your guild, it causes problems. At this time, our recommendation is that you not create guilds of that size.


GOOD LORD that's a big guild.