View Full Version : "Completed Listings" section in Consignment Store?

06-05-2012, 02:42 PM
Just like on eBay where you can look up completed listings, there should be a place in the CS where you can look up an item and see the last 10 that were sold and for how much they went for, and perhaps the date they sold.

I've been trying for a while now to buy some of the more rare items, and it seems that everyone really has no idea what they are worth, and then when someone lists one for sale in the CS, now everything thinks that is the correct price even though that may be way overpriced. Then when it disappears from the CS, we don't know if it actually sold for that much or if the person just removed it. There should be a way to see actual sale prices for items. That will help buyers and sellers get a feel for what items are really worth.

06-08-2012, 11:13 AM
Right now is the worst time to get money for your items, but a great time to buy. With the Elixer sale everyone and their grandmother are thrasher farming and flooding the market with pinks, thus driving the price down.

Try making a price check thread in the trading forum, you may even find a seller or someone to buy items. The CS prices are usually far too high anyways, because everyone will just go a little below the previous high price.

06-08-2012, 07:24 PM
That's my point. If there was a way to see actual CS sales, then the market would become more stable and people would most likely stop asking rediculously high prices in the CS. And buyers who are less knowledgeable about what certain items are worth would be able to see based on past sales.