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06-06-2012, 06:26 AM
Ok, so buying platinum is great, right? We all gotta pitch in to buy the devs steak dinners after all. So why not make a new item in the store? It'll be called "The rich guy box". This box, purchasable for 5 sepagazibilazillion plat, will make you completely invincible forever! Thats right, it works in pvp too. But guys, remember, it's super-duper exclusive, so only rich people can be invincible.
/end sarcasm

STS, listen up. This may seems like a low blow, but it's actually a plea. A plea from the little guy. Yes, I have a job. But I would love to be able to purchase new items in the games. But when a pet costs almost 20$ worth of plat, it's hard for me to pull that out. I hope this caught your attention~

06-06-2012, 06:39 AM
I agree with your last comment. The dragon pets, I would really love one, but they are too darn expensive. 20 dollars for one pet is a lot of platinum. If that was changed to like 50 platinum, I would buy it. I doubt that happening yet.

06-06-2012, 04:51 PM
yes. ur last point makes... but not the invincibility... esp in pvp. pvp just wouldnt be fair enough to play

06-06-2012, 05:31 PM
yes. ur last point makes... but not the invincibility... esp in pvp. pvp just wouldnt be fair enough to play

/start sarcasm
When someone says "/end sarcasm" at the end of a sentence, it does not mean that sentence is sarcastic, at all.
/end sarcasm

06-06-2012, 06:57 PM
/start sarcasm
When someone says "/end sarcasm" at the end of a sentence, it does not mean that sentence is sarcastic, at all.
/end sarcasm

lol i needa be more careful when i read... kinda skipped over it cuz its in a line by itself

06-06-2012, 07:02 PM
I agree, but we all have wants right? I for one, do not see the attraction towards pets. They are annoying, most of the time upside down, and quite hideous imo. This sort of topic has been brought up a lot, and it's always the same answer: STS is a business, how can they keep the game running and make a decent salary if all the store items costed a dollar worth of plat? The more money, the more and better updates we get, so it's not like your money goes to waste, in fact, in a sense, it comes right back to you, just in a different and more fun form :D