View Full Version : 2021-09-21 Content Update (286522)

09-21-2021, 03:19 PM
+ Increased the damage output for all Zodias expansion monsters.
+ Increased the health for all Zodias expansion monsters.
+ Campaign Bosses (Ekenta, Mecharydon, Rahabkor) get additional health.
+ Shredder Fish swarm target armor debuff is now applied equally to all classes (was doing more nerf to Warriors).
+ Giant Crab target damage debuff is now applied equally to all classes (was doing more nerf to Rogues, Sorcerers).
+ Corrected stats of zodias legendary belts.
+ Various Weekly and Hourly quests can now be done in Zodias zones.
+ Mecharydon zone should properly prevent joining while the fight is in progress.

09-21-2021, 03:20 PM
Tzz good

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09-21-2021, 03:24 PM

Ign : Yyy

09-21-2021, 03:25 PM

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09-21-2021, 03:32 PM
hoho increased health and damage

09-21-2021, 03:34 PM
This is a give and take relationship , you are suppose to reciprocate. Do you have any plans to give people any of their power back or soon...?

09-21-2021, 03:37 PM
Good [emoji3059]

Ign: Bey

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09-21-2021, 03:43 PM
Haha will have to try this. Love the zone so far, but yeah, could solo all of it, so higher damage and health sounds good.

09-21-2021, 03:52 PM

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09-21-2021, 03:57 PM
let the dying begin.

09-21-2021, 04:00 PM
Your update didn't go through.

09-21-2021, 04:04 PM
When are you going to patch the crazy DoT damage we should be taking. Damage numbers are showing but no damage coming through.

09-21-2021, 05:47 PM
Down of AL

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09-21-2021, 05:54 PM
I have almost 7k armor and 10k life the shark is killing me with 1 hit xD
not only that .. to a friend with ring killing even 1 hit
I think their update got out of hand by 200%
everything is unplayable right now neither war nor rogue nor magician
what's the point of playing now? earn 20 to 30k gold for 10 minutes; -;

09-21-2021, 06:01 PM
great update, everyone is loving it, the city is full of positive comments :)

09-21-2021, 06:36 PM
How good you did a boss that literally kills for everything now they decide to increase the damage and their life very well at this rate several players will leave :/

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09-21-2021, 06:50 PM
fix it oh my gosh the map can't be played right now
everything kills you from 1 to 3 hits

09-21-2021, 07:18 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to fix the incredible damage done by rogues and their still stacking procs, wizard procs and uncontrolled instakills, than to keep breaking wars? Just a thought.

09-21-2021, 07:22 PM
First nerf proc combo and now buff monster..
Its better before, now soo hardd..
maybe its time to take a break from AL 🥱🥱

09-21-2021, 07:34 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to fix the incredible damage done by rogues and their still stacking procs, wizard procs and uncontrolled instakills, than to keep breaking wars? Just a thought.

He told you in a nutshell (warriors are now the bait)

09-21-2021, 07:56 PM
I have almost 7k armor and 10k life the shark is killing me with 1 hit xD
not only that .. to a friend with ring killing even 1 hit
I think their update got out of hand by 200%
everything is unplayable right now neither war nor rogue nor magician
what's the point of playing now? earn 20 to 30k gold for 10 minutes; -;

Nah mage and war have shield, we don't die as easily as rogue. Glad to see this now we won't have solo rogues (:

I tried with my mage no issue, it's just I need to shield up everytime I initiate an attack otherwise the shark lightning will still Insta kill.

81 map is supposed to be hard without 81 gears. They are paving way for 81 gears to come by. If you can run efficiently/fast without 81 gears, then there's no point for expansion, more like a big event instead.

09-21-2021, 07:58 PM
Nah mage and war have shield, we don't die as easily as rogue. Glad to see this now we won't have solo rogues (:

I tried with my mage no issue, it's just I need to shield up everytime I initiate an attack otherwise the shark lightning will still Insta kill.

81 map is supposed to be hard without 81 gears. They are paving way for 81 gears to come by. If you can run efficiently/fast without 81 gears, then there's no point for expansion, more like a big event instead.

The only thing I understood from your answer is that you hate rogues

09-21-2021, 08:01 PM
The only thing I understood from your answer is that you hate rogues

I don't hate "rogues", I hate "soloing rogues" to be specific. Now I love "rogues" so much.

09-21-2021, 08:24 PM
I don't hate "rogues", I hate "soloing rogues" to be specific. Now I love "rogues" so much.

like the warriors in 76 who killed all with 1 hit
You did not hate them because they were driving you for sure xD

09-21-2021, 10:45 PM
He told you in a nutshell (warriors are now the bait)

How can it be if now the mobs hit harder, have more life and kill randomly with instakill

09-21-2021, 11:29 PM
How can it be if now the mobs hit harder, have more life and kill randomly with instakill

If I already saw that the warriors is this update it was worse ahahahahajaksj xD a little more and you will seem a hindrance in the game, everything kills you what an ugly case

09-22-2021, 01:50 AM
Please remove the reflect mechanics from mobs

09-22-2021, 01:59 AM
Please remove the reflect mechanics from mobs


Pls remove yourself from the game, easier

09-22-2021, 02:29 AM
+ Increased the damage output for all Zodias expansion monsters.
+ Increased the health for all Zodias expansion monsters.

Bye warriors? haha

09-22-2021, 02:39 AM
The mobs are hard to kill now, thank you devs. (Sarcasm)

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Péter Ferenczi
09-22-2021, 04:53 AM
Slowly kills the game! Congrats!

09-22-2021, 06:12 AM
Sorry but I think this update would have been better once the 81 arcanes or a more powerful mythic set would have launched.

Speaking from a mediocre- just slightly better than the average mage perspective, the new expansion maps are already difficult to clear (op mages with ridiculous int or boss damage please don't quote this lol). The Ekenta map was easy I agree so the buff on that boss is ok imo, compared to other maps. But those other maps have a regen once the bosses receive certain amount of damage making it impossible to instakill them. The op teams will have no difficulty since they used to annihilate the boss easily before the bosses even reach regen cd. So, the buff wasn't really needed? This just results in longer runs and more ankhs wasted and more remapping and more people leaving at the fail of first try. I can only now imagine people will truly discriminate warriors. Not gonna lie, I would prefer rogues in team compared to warriors for these maps.

Disclaimer to the OP people of forum who like to argue on anything without bringing facts but speculations: This is just an opinion of mine, based on the experience I've faced in game. Other mages' experience and opinions may differ.

09-22-2021, 06:40 AM
It's too hard to kill bosses now ,especially the 2nd map , whole party gets wiped if they're careless(even wars).Please make the increase only to the 3 raid bosses.

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09-22-2021, 06:50 AM
With a group of the 3 classes and maybe 2 wars (I'm biased) you won't die constantly. I know people forgot but maybe time attacks and wait for a shield before rushing up to the bosses. Even better let the war do a thing called pull and take aggro with you dps types stand back and snipe. Everyone is so used to just attacking everything with out a strategy they die. One of the solutions to 4 dps party was to make the expansion harder so you need each class. I actually like what they did. It shouldn't be easy to nuke the hardest maps with old gear. How hard is that to understand?

09-22-2021, 07:12 AM
Sorry but I think this update would have been better once the 81 arcanes or a more powerful mythic set would have launched.

Speaking from a mediocre- just slightly better than the average mage perspective, the new expansion maps are already difficult to clear (op mages with ridiculous int or boss damage please don't quote this lol). The Ekenta map was easy I agree so the buff on that boss is ok imo, compared to other maps. But those other maps have a regen once the bosses receive certain amount of damage making it impossible to instakill them. The op teams will have no difficulty since they used to annihilate the boss easily before the bosses even reach regen cd. So, the buff wasn't really needed? This just results in longer runs and more ankhs wasted and more remapping and more people leaving at the fail of first try. I can only now imagine people will truly discriminate warriors. Not gonna lie, I would prefer rogues in team compared to warriors for these maps.

Disclaimer to the OP people of forum who like to argue on anything without bringing facts but speculations: This is just an opinion of mine, based on the experience I've faced in game. Other mages' experience and opinions may differ.

You have a valid point on the timing of this update although I wouldn't completely agree. This is a public forum, so I hope you had already expected different opinions when you posted your disclaimer. So, if it interests you, feel free to read on if not, no hate here, I'm gonna share what I have experienced as well.

Speaking as an average mage too, with only 1,25k INT, 5k dmg, 5k armor:
Before this update - I could literally solo the mobs in new map (with the help of double elixirs ofc to boost my dmg)
After the update - Still, massive dmg to mobs but I couldn't tank long enough for the mobs to die from that dmg, similar amount of dmg was dealt to me if the mobs are not controlled by pet aa or some other control proc. So i die more often, that's when I saw the need for proper warrior.

"More people leaving at the fail of first try" - I don't think sts can do anything about this, 81 map is not gonna be easy as Brackenridge. This is an expansion map not your normal major event like halloween, goblin etc. Prior to this update many people already left the map when they can't figure out how to beat Rahab boss. It's not about the HP regeneration that some bosses have, it is about having no communication among random players to strategically time your skills and ulti to kill the boss/mobs.

"I can only now imagine people will truly discriminate warriors. Not gonna lie, I would prefer rogues in team compared to warriors for these maps."
Rogue will still die because of this update. That's exactly when I see we need a decent war. After the update I truly feel the need for a warrior to tank some damage for the party as our skills have cd that would get us killed in the mean time. So I don't feel you have been relevant to what you said in your comment.

Regardless, they are paving way for 81 gears to come by, so logically 81 map is supposed to be hard without 81 gears, especially arcane gears. If you can run efficiently/fast without 81 gears, then there's no point for expansion, more like a big event instead.

09-22-2021, 07:50 AM
You have a valid point on the timing of this update although I wouldn't completely agree. This is a public forum, so I hope you had already expected different opinions when you posted your disclaimer. So, if it interests you, feel free to read on if not, no hate here, I'm gonna share what I have experienced as well.

Speaking as an average mage too, with only 1,25k INT, 5k dmg, 5k armor:
Before this update - I could literally solo the mobs in new map (with the help of double elixirs ofc to boost my dmg)
After the update - Still, massive dmg to mobs but I couldn't tank long enough for the mobs to die from that dmg, similar amount of dmg was dealt to me if the mobs are not controlled by pet aa or some other control proc. So i die more often, that's when I saw the need for proper warrior.

"More people leaving at the fail of first try" - I don't think sts can do anything about this, 81 map is not gonna be easy as Brackenridge. This is an expansion map not your normal major event like halloween, goblin etc. Prior to this update many people already left the map when they can't figure out how to beat Rahab boss. It's not about the HP regeneration that some bosses have, it is about having no communication among random players to strategically time your skills and ulti to kill the boss/mobs.

"I can only now imagine people will truly discriminate warriors. Not gonna lie, I would prefer rogues in team compared to warriors for these maps."
Rogue will still die because of this update. That's exactly when I see we need a decent war. After the update I truly feel the need for a warrior to tank some damage for the party as our skills have cd that would get us killed in the mean time. So I don't feel you have been relevant to what you said in your comment.

Regardless, they are paving way for 81 gears to come by, so logically 81 map is supposed to be hard without 81 gears, especially arcane gears. If you can run efficiently/fast without 81 gears, then there's no point for expansion, more like a big event instead.

Good argumentative points, no hate taken at all. When I talked about hp regen bosses I was talking about the shark boss, surprisingly people are, or at least in my experience where I ran random, able to do the rahab boss without dying as much as compared to the fin-pool spawning boss.

Although I agree with the need of tank being increased, actual tanks and not just damage dealing warriors post stack meta, I haven't been able to see a warrior tank in my team properly. This could be just a coincidence of not being met with proper warriors while running random.

Speaking of having no communication among random players, I'll be going a little off topic. I'm starting to see the superiority complex of some rogues, again some, not all- you know who you are. In the shark boss (sorry I still don't remember his name at the time of writing this), I've been in random maps and despite people telling them to move towards downward maps when the shark boss throws his fin they completely ignore them and just go rambo mode and die then blame teammates or just leave.

Nonetheless, I do hope like you said they are paving for 81 gears to come by, hopefully sooner than later. I just hope people don't stop playing these maps cause doing those maps when you are under-geared or without a rogue in team is kind of time consuming. I guess, me like many others, got used to the fast pace of the game, cleaning maps faster so it's time efficient and good value of gold earned per minute spent. I do enjoy the new mechanics tho, it is quite interesting and something new. Just dislike how time consuming the map becomes.


09-22-2021, 07:56 AM
Where do we find the daily and hourly quests?

09-22-2021, 09:13 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH whoever insisted on implementing this update should get a promotion ;)

09-22-2021, 09:34 AM
Good argumentative points, no hate taken at all. When I talked about hp regen bosses I was talking about the shark boss, surprisingly people are, or at least in my experience where I ran random, able to do the rahab boss without dying as much as compared to the fin-pool spawning boss.

Although I agree with the need of tank being increased, actual tanks and not just damage dealing warriors post stack meta, I haven't been able to see a warrior tank in my team properly. This could be just a coincidence of not being met with proper warriors while running random.

Speaking of having no communication among random players, I'll be going a little off topic. I'm starting to see the superiority complex of some rogues, again some, not all- you know who you are. In the shark boss (sorry I still don't remember his name at the time of writing this), I've been in random maps and despite people telling them to move towards downward maps when the shark boss throws his fin they completely ignore them and just go rambo mode and die then blame teammates or just leave.

Nonetheless, I do hope like you said they are paving for 81 gears to come by, hopefully sooner than later. I just hope people don't stop playing these maps cause doing those maps when you are under-geared or without a rogue in team is kind of time consuming. I guess, me like many others, got used to the fast pace of the game, cleaning maps faster so it's time efficient and good value of gold earned per minute spent. I do enjoy the new mechanics tho, it is quite interesting and something new. Just dislike how time consuming the map becomes.


Ye agreed, definitely there are challenges speaking with random players. One way I found helpful was to copy paste my strategy on how to kill boss into every map I go into.

Also I wanted to add about warrior.

If you ever play with a Terror Blade user you would love it 2000 times. It literally make the run so smooth. I tried with a level 67 xd and I could survive almost the whole time my teammate were killing the mobs. With a TB, I was controlling the mobs 95% of the time. So maybe wars can sell everything and just get TB :D it will make war so much more useful on top of tanking damage.

Ye same here I enjoy the expansion a lot Tbh, especially the rahab boss, I literally laugh everytime random player die not knowing what they doing xd. After that they listened and we managed to kill. And better still, we became friends and run together often.

09-22-2021, 09:46 AM
Great fix, the expansion was way too easy. Even after proc stacking was nerfed.

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09-22-2021, 10:58 AM
Can someone please say where these weekly and hourly quests are? I haven't seen it. Even checked the quest log. It's not there.

09-22-2021, 12:00 PM
Just when I thought I could enjoy a map with minimal dying... Back to standing in town... or not logging in...

09-22-2021, 01:48 PM
I believe all aps collected from these bosses before this update should be removed and players to redo them.

09-22-2021, 01:53 PM
So all the 5 minutes fights I had were ez mode? Yeah I would rather lvl up and drop the game again

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09-24-2021, 04:59 PM
You should have done that after dropping arc 81 gear cuz bosses are literally not worth farming

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09-26-2021, 01:49 PM
This is really awesome!

09-26-2021, 07:21 PM
Devs can you please reevaluate your decision with ridiculous buff for mobs and bosses. Now the new maps are dead, most players prefer playing older maps which isnt a good kick off for expansion. Challenging maps are good but imo the buff went overboard. The timing is off too, you buff maps right before season ends which makes it unfair specially in hardcore mode.

09-26-2021, 08:44 PM
Finally i can farm XP , Thanks Futumsh [emoji3448]

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