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View Full Version : Is this bannable?

06-07-2012, 05:45 PM
I've been hosting games on the 1st floor Mt. Fang map for about 5 months...I've booted a lot of players for different reasons. This particular player, I booted him during the boss fight for leaving the boss room...and based on my experience, Emma randomly bugs and regains back her HP when someone leaves the room. After booting him, he threatened to report me for booting him during the boss fight. I told him my reason about the bug...and his reason was because he was running low on health...unacceptable to me since there are several ways not to die against Emma and running out of the room is the worst thing to do in my opinion, and so my slippery fingers got the better of me and I called him a noob - something I really don't do regularly in-game. So, do people get banned for booting a player during the boss fight given my scenario, and calling that booted player a noob afterwards? I was hoping to know early based on other people's experience, so I won't waste time anymore...Thanks.

06-07-2012, 05:47 PM
Not bannable. Someone did that to me and i know the noob part isnt true cuz im 61 lol.

06-07-2012, 05:49 PM
It's called griefing I think. Or something like that. You're ruining their play experience and I think there have been bans on that. But seeing that you have a decent reason, I think you're fine. If they were doing the work along with everyone else on the way to the boss, it's still messed up even with your reason.

06-07-2012, 05:51 PM
Well I've gotten booted for the reason butt face but with a stronger word for that and well... He's still playing so I'd say your safe

06-07-2012, 06:10 PM
Can you get banned for calling someone a noob? or for booting at the boss when a player abandons the fight? If you didn't swear and you tried to negotiate, then I doubt you'll get banned.

Was it right? That's hard to say. If it was a mage, I'd say it's OK to shake aggro by going into the back area where Emma will lose line-of-sight, so long as you come back in. Mages get aggro too much from bosses and Taunt doesn't seem to help, so I would say it's OK for a mage. A bird or bear is expected to die and get revs, but a mage needs to survive to do the revving, too.

06-07-2012, 06:38 PM
If you're running low on health....that's what pots are for. Seems an odd reason to run out of the room. At that level in the game, there's little excuse for not having ample pots at all times. The player may not have known about this bug though, which BTW may or may not be true anyway. I probably wouldn't have booted the guy/gal myself, but it doesn't sound bannable.

06-07-2012, 06:45 PM
You have every right to boot whoever you want from your game, as long as you are respectful. If it ruins the experience for the other player, they should just move on.

06-07-2012, 06:51 PM
As a one time deal, they won't ban you. Make it a habit of booting at the boss... now that's a different story.

As to the leaving the room "bug"... if the person who Emma is aggro-ing runs out of the room, and beyond her "leash"" she will reset. If the person running out of the room does not have aggo, then she will not.

06-07-2012, 07:00 PM
It's bannable based on the reason of personal greed.
If you boot him at the start of the game, it's fine.
If you boot him at the boss fight, it can be bannable if it's for a bad reason such as you wanting all the pinks or he is too low level.
You are ruining his experience by doing that.

HOWEVER, if he is not doing anything or just making Aunt Emma resetting her HP, then this player is ruining THE WHOLE PARTY'S PLAYING EXPERIENCE and that gives ample reason to boot him.

06-07-2012, 07:10 PM
Youre host so your rules go

06-07-2012, 08:26 PM
Looks like it's not yet my time, I guess I'll carry on. For the record, this guy was a bird and he did get Emma's aggro, Emma was looking at his direction when he was on his way out, though I know this bug is not proven, during that split second, it was my judgement not to risk a regain hp - instinct. I usually warn people before I boot, and wait a couple of seconds...but this time, I booted him right away because there was no time...or so I thought. I'm not a chronic booter, I only boot when provoked, I don't even boot people that booted me in the past, or people that flamed me in forums or in-game...In a nutshell, I only boot when a player becomes a liability to the party (I run PUGS all the time). But I do boot a lot of people, this is probably my worst boot because I wasn't able to warn him and I had no proof that he was doing it on purpose (maybe he really was a noob)...but like I said, I had time constraint and his actions may have caused Emma to regain hp (not willing to risk), and to make it worse, I called him a noob (slipped), only because he threatened to report me. I'm a quiet in-game player, I don't talk...I just play...that's why it's easy for me to boot people since I only look at their performance and not care much about the social aspect. This guy was apparently extra sensitive about it...I thought he was a liability and booted him, and he didn't take it well...I'm not sorry, I would do it every time, to my mind, he really was a liability...thanks for replies though. Requesting for a lock thread.

06-07-2012, 08:27 PM
It's bannable based on the reason of personal greed.
If you boot him at the start of the game, it's fine.
If you boot him at the boss fight, it can be bannable if it's for a bad reason such as you wanting all the pinks or he is too low level.
You are ruining his experience by doing that.

HOWEVER, if he is not doing anything or just making Aunt Emma resetting her HP, then this player is ruining THE WHOLE PARTY'S PLAYING EXPERIENCE and that gives ample reason to boot him.

Low level is a bad reason?