View Full Version : Zodias boss and mini boss attack warnings

09-24-2021, 10:07 AM

Could you put a warning or an icon on this boss's head before he releases that deadly acid? It is a bit difficult to see, with so many auras, effects, pets, the chat, the skilles bar, pt etc and sometimes the boss goes to the side and the bubble to hide appears behind us, off the screen.
Also some warnings on the rest of the bosses with similar deadly attacks would be helpful. Like the dragon when it throws the deadly fireball or the plant of the second map throwing the explosive ball.
Thanks anyway.

09-24-2021, 07:19 PM
I agree with you auras cover too much

I’d like a toggle to turn off auras just like titles & badges pls

09-24-2021, 08:39 PM
Not because of auras but because of certain camera angles.

09-25-2021, 12:41 AM
+1 And not to mention everything isn't quite ironed out atm in terms of details, just a general taste of what the expan is imo. But yeah, good to have indicators for all bosses in this expan for that matter, to warn players with restricted visibility so that they don't accidentally die due to not seeing it coming...