View Full Version : Ekenta feedback

09-24-2021, 05:12 PM
It was obvious that ekenta needed a buff from its original version, nonetheless the buff has gone over the roof.
Lower its hp (by a small %), either that or it's armor (I don't know if it was I assume it doesn't since eterno aa does very little help).
Increase the intervals between attacks, it attacks way too often.
Reduce the stun time, maybe a reduction of 2 seconds would be enough.
Enable Dot (I haven't checked but friend told me these don't work on Ekenta) such as Fenris Arcane Ability, this pet would make the run much faster yet it's AA doesn't work on this boss.

09-24-2021, 07:17 PM
The only reason, that I can think of, for these insane buffs on bosses is the next wave of arcanes will deal insane damage. Otherwise, theses bosses need to be readjusted.

09-24-2021, 08:38 PM
getting stun a lot and boss having a high hp/armor is annoying.
pls adjust.

09-25-2021, 12:45 AM
Well, maybe it's true that these changes were meant to balance the future incoming gear, not the current ones which would be swiftly replaced in favor of the new ones. Otherwise, it's a lot of hit or miss with bosses and mobs in the new expan...

09-25-2021, 01:28 AM
does devs read this thread?
maybe your feedback is great i agree with that. while we are still waiting for the elite version..

if i could add more things is i would like to make that ekenta "reflection shield" become MORE VISIBLE too see, rather than just a lil poor electric things appearance like now.