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View Full Version : Suggestion: Option to Save Wep/Gem Builds

06-08-2012, 11:30 AM
Hey Y'all,

Slowly progressing to lvl 21 I realized what I _do_ miss from PL... a "Loadout" feature where I can save Wep/Gem builds for my char. Maybe it's there and I haven't seen it? Unknown. I've noticed that the optimum play build for heavy lag and ping spikes is to have an ATTK build for mobs that are easier to handle with fast attacks and kiting, while bosses are best handled with a DEF build because I'm taking big hits right during ping spikes. So I start the map with my ATTK build, then by the time I reach the boss chamber I have to retreat and go into Inventory and select the items one-by-one to buildup my Hlth and Def, kinda sucky.

Thx again guyz.

06-08-2012, 11:31 AM
Agreed and also to show off your different outfits it's a pain to switch.

06-09-2012, 04:09 AM
This should already be ingame as in Pl it exists. I beleive devs are going to put it in the game in some time :) ( I hope )