View Full Version : Boss attacks

09-27-2021, 02:43 AM
Hey Futumsh

Could you please check if one attack of 4th map boss (Sanctuary of secrets i think) is working as intended?

It uses a red circle area to push players away and block our skills for 4sec or so. The problem is that it hits you even if you are way out of red zone...

And why that attack block my skills if im using arcane shield?
And why the green mobs on maps 3 & 4 slow me down after i kill them (using arcane shield)
Also why map 1 boss slows me down even if i use arcane shield?

Lately doesn't feel much worth to use certain mage skills since Ekenta is immune to DoT (cmon...) and arcane shield doesn't completely work as description.

I hope some of these situations are bugs. Tyvm anyway

09-29-2021, 11:21 AM
I really think something is wrong. Could you please check it?


09-29-2021, 01:33 PM
Will take a look when I have time, though the only thing that sounds wrong is hitting when outside of red zone.

09-29-2021, 01:36 PM
Could you look at the Newland Star Bosses attack? The one where he spins and does aoe around him, there is such a small window in which you can see red zone(if it even pops up, seems like it is instant sometimes..).

09-29-2021, 03:13 PM
The dragon push attack and warning zone definitely don't match, so will get that sorted out.