View Full Version : New portal maps

09-27-2021, 11:21 PM
No one likes to run Mecharydon's Lair now because of the buffs on monsters. I even see tanks die on the lightning strike. Ekenta's Lair is still somewhat okay but only if you run with an all dps class. On both of these maps, it was so easy when it was first released that both the legendary armor and weapons are so cheap. Now, it is just not worth running.

At this point, I am only running Mecharydon's Lair to open Rahabkor's Lair. Could you please put better loots on both Mecharydon and Ekenta? Even if it is just the mythic Thariel egg. Just put something we can actually hope to loot. Better yet, let us gain fathoms every boss kill. It doesn't have to be high. Even something like 1-3 is okay. Anything to add to these legendaries will be an improvement.

Sidenote: Please put more mobs on Ekenta's lair, maybe 5-10?. We actually need more to charge our ultimates.