View Full Version : No More Pink Drops, what gives???

06-11-2012, 01:05 AM
Sup crew. Here's the deal, been playin DL now for what, 2-3 wks... no serious problems till now cept the lag... been receiving pink drops pretty much at the 2.3% rate as advertised, my first 17K kills progressing to lvl20 I received around 16 pinks, so almost a pink per 1K kills I think, and now I've been playing the last 4 days and haven't received a single pink drop the entire time. My char has 22K kills at the moment... I would have expected at least 2-4 pinks over the last few days, but zero. Also noticed that my char keeps getting sent to this completely empty Club Sanctuary, zero other players. I think the 2 issues are related.

Hope you guys look into it because if I'm not even getting pink drops I don't really see the point of playing.


06-11-2012, 01:31 AM
Hehehe you know until i reached 20 i had received 1 pink. There are times that I play for hours and hours (sometimes farming 8k kills) and i do not see a drop. Then, in 1 hour, I am able to get 2-3 pink drops. Luck is luck :) You must grind to get pinks they wont just come to you. My first pink gem took me 10k kills. Then around 3 same gems dropped in the next 3 hours :) Until I farmed my whole set I got around 20k kills and trust me, I found beast gem of grit after 1 run when shadowgem took me around 20 runs... You will see that the 2.3% drop rate aint stable. You may get very VERY lucky one day and the other get very very bad luck. I remember Rolocoaster grinded for about a week farming for a bloodgem of grit and then in one day 3 dropped for him :)
Dont give up! Keep trying !!!

06-11-2012, 02:59 AM
Yep, I've had no pink drops whatsoever over like 3-4 weeks in a row (and i kid u not) and just between yesterday and today i got like 5 pinks lol.

I was the same starting to think something was wrong, but it appears luck has it's times, so just keep farming and good luck :)

06-11-2012, 05:52 AM
I got a pink at lv 3. I farmed it off ( a lv4 Mace ) while running one of the first few missions.

06-11-2012, 11:54 PM
Hey guyz, thx for the replies and feedback. Yeah, major random. Finally got a pink again. On kill 23.8K... so that's a dry spell of 6K+ since my last pink around 17K. Almost, what, 200 maps. At least it wasn't a glitch. Really surprised by the randomness since I thought I was doin okay the first few hundred maps.

Thx again guys!

06-18-2012, 12:52 PM
I didn't get a pink for a week. Then, recently I got about 5 in a few days. It seems that if I farm for a long time I don't get any. But if I log in and just do a couple runs, then I have a better chance. For example, I was bored at a graduation ceremony as more than a thousands students walked by getting their names called. I logged in and did one run during the ceremony, and got a pink. But, I spend hours on Saturday doing the same run over and over, and didn't get a pink.

06-19-2012, 04:19 PM
I loled at the graduation playing :D

06-25-2012, 08:22 PM
It took me 20k kills and capped L21 before i got my first pink drop. And i only have gotten 2 so far and at 30k now. I gave up on them. Greens are fine enough for me lol

06-26-2012, 11:48 PM
You have to remember, it is a 2.3% chance to get pink each time ... which is not the same as saying you will get 23 pinks in 1000 tries.

Many statistics courses will present a problem about flipping a coin. If you have flipped a coin 5 times and each time it landed on heads ... does the probability of it landing on tails increase? ... The answer is no; there is still a 50% chance that the coin will land on tails.

Likewise, don't expect to have a better chance of getting a pink if you kill the boss/ghoul/execution 999 times without a single pink drop. There is still only a 2.3% chance that a pink will drop.

07-05-2012, 08:17 PM
its not 2.3% anymore, its like 1.1%

07-05-2012, 09:54 PM
Even so I'm getting like a pink drop like every 25 matches so I guess I'm lucky to some people lol :P