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View Full Version : @Cinco, A Respectful Suggestion

10-07-2021, 06:14 AM
As an og player since 2015, I can't help but noticed sts team has recently been listening to many feedbacks from us players much more frequently and efficiently than before. So just like many others here who may be held back to say this but may be dying to know:

Respectfully, I'm humbly requesting you/team to provide a thorough explanation or guide for the following questions on ban.

1. Trading reassurance
Does trading or buying from plat farmer unknowingly trigger an automated permanent ban, even if that item was listed in auction and we happened to buy it?

2. Reasons of ban
Is it possible for sts to provide complete details on the reasons of the ban (some forms of proofs whether its a chat, transaction etc) instead of just a one liner or a computer generated reply? Especially after the request for further details on the reason of ban is made?

3. About Plat Players/Non-Plat players
A. If one is a consistent plat buyer, and one random day he happened to be associated with a plat farmer by accident, would the treatment for this person be any different for people who does not buy plat at all or buy plat occasionally? Would sts give more benefits of doubts to legit plat players than the average non-plat players?

B. How should plat players buy plat safely knowing that they may be at an equivalent risk of being banned just like a non-plat buyer because of accidental associations with exploitative accounts? What forms of reassurance, if there are any, are in place to encourage players to buy plat without being banned out of a sudden?

4. Safe Trading
How should we in general (both non-plat and plat players) know who to trade with or buy items from if anyone stands a chance to be an exploitative account, and therefore put us at risk of being associated with them?

10-07-2021, 07:52 PM
I mean, use some common sense about these.

You can stop at number 1, because that is just ridiculous to think is true.

If you play legit you are 100% fine, been playing sts games for almost ten years now and this is just silly.

10-07-2021, 08:51 PM
I mean, use some common sense about these.

You can stop at number 1, because that is just ridiculous to think is true.

If you play legit you are 100% fine, been playing sts games for almost ten years now and this is just silly.

How do you explain number 4 then?

How do they distinguish who are truly suspicious of being associated with exploitative account and who isn't? Heard way too many stories about this and I can't help but to question and get some forms of confirmation from a dev

10-07-2021, 09:31 PM
Play legit and you’ve got nothing to worry about. Discernible differences exist between violators and non-violators - and it’s easy for us to tell who deserves a perma ban and who doesn’t.

The myth of the innocent perma banned player is just that.


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