View Full Version : <The Blackstar Service>

06-12-2012, 01:33 AM
Note:This is a charity guild. No rewards for joining

Didn't make it into Ambassadors of Blackstar? Join us!!! Just because you can't be an ambassador does not mean you cannot help. This guild hangs out in towns or low level PVE games. Help out new players. Teach them the basics. Help people get more out of the game. Give new players a better start then you did. Guild Master- Strausimus

1-Must be level 1-10 alternate character
2-Must be fairly active. Log on and play a few hours a week, I'm not to concerned about this rule (I will make exceptions for vacations)
3-Must have a main character, level 38 or above (I need to know that you know the ropes)
4-Must try hard to be helpful to the SpaceTime community
5-Must have a forums account. (forum group will be made for all members)

Any character in this guild may participate in pvp. Don't cause problems on other alts. (we will make some exceptions as far as pvp goes)
Characters in guild should make a quick chat option for the guild. 3 officers and 2 recruiters will be chosen.