View Full Version : revving after boss kill, game quitting

06-12-2012, 08:05 PM
It's no biggie by any means, but I noticed that if I should die after the final boss kill and I try to rev at the beginning before hitting level complete, the game shuts down and I'm back at my iPod's home screen. Eg., I farm Sand Caves alot and sometimes that daggoned ol' magnetic golem gets a shot off after he's dead. When I rev myself, the game shuts down. Like I said, it's no big issue to me but you guys take such great care with the game I thought I would share!

Iehaenis, 65 Mage

06-12-2012, 09:26 PM
You've got some connection problems.
My game force-quits sometimes when people boot my alt when I'm liquidating on it.

07-13-2012, 06:01 AM
It happened again tonight while I was helping someone with the shadow cave hidden boss. I died just before the boss did and the other enchanter in the grp gave me a rev just after the boss died. I clicked on the free revive and the game quits. It happens without fail if I am revved after the boss is killed. I am lucky as far as my connection goes, I have not once ever had a problem with my internet (not bragging, just saying I'm lucky and I know it) with the exception of some hillbilly actually shooting a line down in my area. Even then I could still play on my iPod with no issues. Even our phone wasn't working well but pl was still going strong. This is a bug, not a major bug, but it definitely gets annoying at times.