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View Full Version : Commando PVP Twink?

06-14-2012, 06:40 AM

I heard that Commando Twinks arent that good and they hav no chance
against OPs or Eng.
But i want to give them a try.
I saw a lv20 Commando Twink with a pretty good Ratio so it isnt impossible, right?
What levek is the best for it?
What gear?
What Skills?

Thx :)

06-14-2012, 07:10 AM
I believe that any com lvl that cant make a combo is are bad spots for a com to PvP.
U may not be able to dominaye but still u can fight. A fight like an end game eng does:)

PS: combo makes the backbreaker damge occur twice.

06-14-2012, 08:05 AM
Try a lvl 30 commando with meganaut set. Commandos dominate 30+ as for 25- operative is the best choice.

06-14-2012, 08:26 AM
Was it Quanobo? He's one the best l20 coms I've met lol:p. It could've been pinknstinky, but he's alright.

Also, I have a level 25 com and the only op that pwns me (at times) is my pupil:p. Thats from the level 20 range.

I'll tell you what i tell everyone else, practice and you will get good. You don't need a specific class to win, but it sometimes helps.

Either way, if you need help I'm here to help:p