View Full Version : Enable PVP Hosting!

06-15-2012, 10:11 PM
I think we seriously need an option to host pvp games.

Tournaments will not be possible at all if we can't and it is just the right thing to do!

I suggest having an option to make a PVP arena invite only (like PvE solo maps) w/o having a booting option as it won't be necessary, hence the INVITE ONLY.

To avoid people abusing this system to obtain easy Flag Captures, the same rule of 3 players on each side will stay in place. Also, if you are to leave the game and you are the only one there you cannot rejoin it. You must make a completely new arena. This way, in case the ability to stack still works, you cannot force the start of a game.
Finally, if you are in the middle of the match and for some reason people leave and the game is left 2v2, the match should automatically end and show the score; to further prevent abuse of game hosting.

This is subject to more ideas, but as of now this is it.

06-15-2012, 11:17 PM
Make hosted games either have a separate score counter (flags, kills, deaths) or simply doesn't have any at all (and doesn't add to the normal games one) <---- Solution

06-16-2012, 03:18 AM
Hosted games wont work Testa :/ People will be joining anyways and if boot does not exist they will be like normal games. If boot exists the host will boot whoever he does not like :$

Will also make it harder to find a place to pvp as people will be joining their friends pvp room

06-16-2012, 11:47 AM
So no tourney hosting for DL? :confused:

06-16-2012, 04:34 PM
Hosted games wont work Testa :/ People will be joining anyways

hence the INVITE ONLY..?


if boot does not exist they will be like normal games.
-Why would i want to boot ppl that I have invited to play with? it'll only be a douchy option in that case lol.


if boot exists the host will boot whoever he does not like
-Team vote kick.


Will also make it harder to find a place to pvp as people will be joining their friends pvp room
-People already do that, the only time i walk to the PvP portal is when i don't have any friends on my friend list already in PvP or if i don't want to play with friends, besides if i wanna play with friends only I want to be able to, and if i wanna play with randoms I'll play with randoms.

This game has so much PvP potential and it's one of the best aspects of this game (if not The best) and yet doesn't have the most basic function of hosting your own game which PL and i think SL has too (haven't played SL yet), sadly STS said hosted games ain't on the table right now but hopefully they'll reconsider to make it a priority.

06-16-2012, 04:39 PM
I definitely think we need this. Just use the exact same system as pl and sl.

06-16-2012, 05:31 PM
@YuNoEatBears: Answering like that to my points means you have never played sl or pl... Chilly SAYS WE WILL HOSTGAMES! NOT ABOUT PASSWORDS OR ANYTHING! MEANS PEOPLE YOU DID NOT INVITE WILL ALSO JOIN! GROUP KICKS CANT EXIST! What you dream of is an utopy that just can't work out. The only way this could work out is whole trams of 5 joining together a pvp area.

Also the fact that you dont like pve does not make pvp the best part of the game. Trust me other games have way better pvp. Only thing you can tell about STS pvp is that it is unique

06-16-2012, 06:26 PM
Who is Testa? And well I said that invite only similar to current PvE solo maps. Those don't have passwords and you cannot join unless invited so people that aren't invited will not be able to join.

Yes we do need some type of way to organize matches, but I don't think that the same way like PL or SL is a good idea.

06-16-2012, 06:48 PM
@YuNoEatBears: Answering like that to my points means you have never played sl or pl... TESTA SAYS WE WILL HOSTGAMES! NOT ABOUT PASSWORDS OR ANYTHING! MEANS PEOPLE YOU DID NOT INVITE WILL ALSO JOIN! GROUP KICKS CANT EXIST! What you dream of is an utopy that just can't work out. The only way this could work out is whole trams of 5 joining together a pvp area.

-Which part of..

seems so mysterious?? if u don't get it please let me elaborate, look at it the same way as 3d campaign solo mission, those you invite can join the game you're in, those you don't can't, simple as that, hence, and i quote.. again

-And why team vote kick can't exist?? been done in tons of other games so why not here? besides he said, and i agree, that the ability to kick players wouldn't be necessary, cause the people joining the game would be those you chose to invite to join the game.

Also the fact that you dont like pve does not make pvp the best part of the game.

-Where did i say that i did not like PvE? PvE and PvP are different things, preferring one doesn't make you by law hate the other.

Trust me other games have way better pvp.

-Likely, but we're talking about Dark Legends here, we're not debating which game has the best pvp nor it was even mentioned, stay on topic.. my friend ;)

EDIT: ninja'd.. lol.

06-17-2012, 12:18 AM
@chil: If noone except the invites of people in the room joined, would it be always possible to have a stable 5v5 match? And if hosting was possible, they would have to edit the whole mal system so that we have an option to host, like PL.

@YuNoEatBears: Group kicks can't exist because if the members of a team wanted to troll they would kick people all the time, or if one did not want someone out he would not press kick and the person wiuld ruin the game. Groupkick would be 3+ votes if I am right

06-17-2012, 12:33 AM
Perhaps a way to host matches in a different way...

For example: What if the timer in the matches we create will not begin the matches when its done counting... Instead how about the hosted rooms have a "Ready" button, in which the match will not start until both sides have initiated it.

Yes, the "Ready" button idea was suggested before and has its own thread. However, for private matches where we wait on players we invited to join in (rather than playing with a random selection), it would be ideal.

Everyone on both teams -must- select the ready button or the matches will not begin. However, if the majority of the team is ready and you're not after a certain amount of time, you will be automatically booted by the system. This will also eliminate people who enter matches and go AFK, hindering their team with one less player in the middle of the match.

So basicly.... Remove the timer at the start of matches and move them into the Ready button system in a more/better useful way to use them.

06-17-2012, 02:09 AM
I agree with Thren. Having the power to Boot would ruin the whole FFA spirit. System kicking players on its own would fix the problem of people going afk, that woul be very very cool. Also the button would help as I see lots of 5v1 games because of people joining and leaving...
I do not disagree with the statements of chill or YuNoEatBears but they are hard to be done at the moment looking at the current pvp environment

06-17-2012, 04:41 AM
You guys are steering from the main purpose of hosted games, we need hosted games to be able to have tournament matches, guild matches or just simply friends only matches.

-Those are not meant to be fast games, we're supposed to wait on players to be here even if it takes long, cuz that's all the reason of it, to play with certain players.
-and again kick ability won't be necessary, you select, choose, those that enter the game.

Pebbles and Floating, Your ideas and opinions are awesome, but your confusing the problems with current FFA (if u may call it) with the main reason we need hosted games for, hosted games are not a solution to FFA problems nor it is to replace it, it just offers more control over who u play with.

06-17-2012, 06:49 AM
Still you do not get our points of view. You may have played other mmoes and not the old pl and sl and you do not userstand. There are many reasons hosted games should be here and should not be here. In my opinion tournament matches should be hosted and not being able to host them made me not be able to do a tournament i wanted to. On the other hand, there is no way to keep the hosted ones "clean" from randoms without boot and passwords. Also hoste games yes would ruin the ffa purpose of DL. We will be seeing tea partying in CTF for gods sake!

06-17-2012, 09:07 AM
If i get to choose who does joins my game and who doesn't, how would i get randoms in my game??!

Also hoste games yes would ruin the ffa purpose of DL

So the whole purpose of PvP in DL is to be FFA?? who said that?? every game that has a solid PvP system and base aspires to be more competitive, and you can't be a respectable competitive game by being just FFA, DL has a great opportunity to be a known competitive game on smartphones, not having hosted games and thus no tournaments shoots that to the ground.

And you can't use PL and SL for an argument, this is DL, and even so, did having hosted password protected games in PL and SL ruin PvP in them? password protected and invite only both are the same, in the first one only those who know the password can join, in the second one only those who get invited by the host, both are the same, different methods but lead to the same conclusion, only that the invite system already exists here in 3d missions, so i believe it won't be hard to implement for PvP.

Btw, i used to play PL until DL came out.

Bottom line is, having hosted games would not in any form or shape be a bad thing in DL, not having them however is a real drawback for this game.

06-17-2012, 11:24 AM
It actually did sometimes, especially in twinking. People made games and booted others who they did not like it or who killed them a lot. There were many times someone could not find a game cause of this. Have you even noticed that we dont have a way to make a game? I mean both pve and pvp. So give me a way we would host a pvp room! And yes pvp rooms would be free to join. You just would be the host. Otherwise if you password your game then they will also need to add the whole password system

Theres a reason the pvp games do not have a host-boot button in dl when in SL, the moment pvp was released they had it. This means they want it to be FFA and not just people talkIng to each other!

06-17-2012, 01:33 PM
It actually did sometimes, especially in twinking. People made games and booted others who they did not like it or who killed them a lot. There were many times someone could not find a game cause of this. Have you even noticed that we dont have a way to make a game? I mean both pve and pvp. So give me a way we would host a pvp room! And yes pvp rooms would be free to join. You just would be the host. Otherwise if you password your game then they will also need to add the whole password system

Dude, are you even reading my posts before responding to them? If you're not trolling then i don't know what to say.

06-17-2012, 05:06 PM
Dude you do not get my pint. Your posts have a certain mesning. All of them. Yes i underdtood it. If you do not understand what I am saying then it is your problem not mine. I explain you that hosting games would bring many problems. To do that they should copy paste whole systems to match DL. Also there and many malfunctions in your ideas on CTF and DM game hosting that I can explain you ingame if you want because, as I see, through posts you do not understand me.