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View Full Version : Are luck pots a scam?

08-21-2010, 06:31 AM
Any thoughts?

Oh, and how long do they last? 5 mins? Or one item?

08-21-2010, 06:58 AM
Any thoughts?

Oh, and how long do they last? 5 mins? Or one item?

they last the whole map, unless you die.

ive used them a bit and havnt looted a single pink, let alone any super rares.

King Kamehameha
08-21-2010, 07:28 AM
I got 2 Isis 2 Thoth and loads of other pinks with the pots so they do help a bit

08-21-2010, 08:01 AM
They last 5 minutes, and work as described.

08-21-2010, 08:26 AM
I used them with disappointing results. I thought a reroll was supposed to happen 25% of the time. I got one reroll out of like eight potions and it was a white mob drop that rolled to a yellow. Then my BF used potions in the swamps while I did not- each time I had better drops than she did and she never got a reroll.

I think they must work, but, for me, the potions don't do anything to help my odds unless maybe I buy them over and over. If I pay 1,500 then I want a reroll or two out of THAT potion.

Which probably just means I'm too cheap for luck potions:D

08-21-2010, 10:32 AM
I used them with disappointing results. I thought a reroll was supposed to happen 25% of the time. I got one reroll out of like eight potions and it was a white mob drop that rolled to a yellow. Then my BF used potions in the swamps while I did not- each time I had better drops than she did and she never got a reroll.

Which probably just means I'm too cheap for luck potions:D

I think they must work, but, for me, the potions don't do anything to help my odds unless maybe I buy them over and over. If I pay 1,500 then I want a reroll or two out of THAT potion.

I think the only time it's really really worth buying is when you are farming a good 3-4 bosses like in plasma pyramids within those 5 mins. It isn't so good against 1 boss where as you have to actually get a purple then get the 25% chance to check to reroll. So the odds of it actually working (in the sense you get a pink) are against you when only done once =).

08-21-2010, 12:34 PM
That's the thing.
When I tried out the potions, I used them in AO2 solid (if potion ran out, I instantly bought another) through the bosses. And we killed the mobs in the rooms so there was plenty of loot to get a reroll chance on. I did this a few times. As did most in my group. It was the first day of the luck potions. You can see on the screen in chatbox if anyone gets a reroll. Usually nobody got a reroll at all.