View Full Version : Brainstorm Topic: PAY-IT-FORWARD in PL

06-16-2012, 09:18 PM
"The expression 'pay it forward' is used to describe the concept of asking that a good deed be repaid by having it done for others instead...More specifically, the creditor offers the debtor the option of 'paying' the debt forward by lending it to a third person instead of paying it back to the original creditor. Debt and payments can be monetary or by good deeds. In sociology, this concept is called 'generalized reciprocity' or 'generalized exchange" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay_it_forward

For Example: A helps B, B pays A by helping C, C pays B by helping D, D pays C by paying E, and so on so forth. You should not know the person you are directly helping. Your goal is for someone you don't know pays you forward, now wouldn't that be amazing? This is a very idealistic social experiment, all it takes is one selfish, lazy, passive, apathetic person to stop the chain from finding you again.

The question is: Do you think this can EVER work in pocket legends or NEVER work, I'm talking about the entire lifetime of Pocket Legends up to level 100. Do you think Pocket Legends community has what it takes to complete a pay-it-forward-loop (the scheme doesn't require entire population to pay-it-forward, as long as some random person pays it forward to you - the original creditor - that's considered one loop).

I've started a pay-it-forward sometime last year, some random person paid it forward to my friend, after my friend paid it forward to someone else, I lost track of it...and I haven't heard of it...maybe someone broke the chain. Question remains, can it ever be done or never in pocket legends community? Share your thoughts.

06-16-2012, 10:48 PM
I think it has a chance, but pretty slim. Usually the favors that are provided in game are via helping out a lower level either with a boss or helping them obtain certains goods. If you are in the position to provide help/favors what help would you need in return?

For example, a random guy in Balefort Castle was asking for help killing the goblin king. I went with him and helped kill the boss. He was very appreciative, he asked if i wanted the drops or gold for payment. I asked him to pay it forward and help out someone someday in return. He emphatically responded that he sure would! Now I have no way of knowing, but let's just say he did. How could it come back to me? I am a high level character that does not ask for favors.

It is a great idea, and paying it forward in game makes this a better game & community, but due to the level differential by the helpers/recipients, I think it would be hard to complete a full loop.

06-17-2012, 07:59 AM
Maybe once humania comes and some one hits 71 u might need help reachin a lvl or killin a boss and a 71 will help u? Idk theres alot of greed in pl to imstead cash rules everything around me its a pl version of gold rules everything:/

06-18-2012, 09:54 AM
hmm I never thought of "pay if forward" in that sense.

I always understood pay it forward as kind of the opposite of pay it back. Meaning... when you pay back you are paying someone for a "good deed" they did for you.

When you pay it forward... you are doing a more "do unto others as you would have them due unto you". Basically, doing the good deed first and maybe reaping benefits in the future.

In this sense... I've done this a lot in PL. I think of it more like doing nice things and not expecting anything in return.