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08-21-2010, 08:18 AM
Dudes, Devs.

Pocket Legends Is Supposed To Be A Game Where We All Are A Team !
No Scams, No Spams, No Insults, No Racism !!

We, Players, Need To Have Respect From Each Others !

Please, Take This Post For A Serious Think !

Peace !

08-21-2010, 08:24 AM
It's true. Unfortunately when you bring a group of people together, it's inevitable that there will be some bad apples in the mix. Though, jerks are particularly sad when they are virtual jerks in a video game that's meant to be fun.

08-21-2010, 10:10 AM
And Be Honest With Each Others !! Please . .


08-21-2010, 10:42 AM
Master I'm pretty sure the dev's from day one have always thought this. Not sure who the post is supposed to be for? If it's for the devs, then I can assure you they respond pretty quickly to screenshots emailed to them about people scamming, using racial slurs, and so forth.

If it's to encourage the playerbase and forum community to respect each other more, then that's cool, and it's true. There needs to be more respect but with the majority of the demographics here being in the early teens, it's hard to find mature enough people that understand what respect is...

This is why I like Royce, he's old, getting married, and old... did I say he was old? =)

08-21-2010, 11:12 AM
Old people ftw!
(also I done been married ;) Had my 3rd anniversary just a couple days ago)

08-21-2010, 11:23 AM
Dudes.. This Post, I Want A Lot Of People To See It, It's Something Really Serious ! :)
And Royce, All My Respect And Congratulation !!!!!!!! ;)

08-21-2010, 11:30 AM
It's a noble effort, but I can't help but feel like you're urinating into oncoming wind. Anyone reasonable will always apologise for mistakes and try to get along with any community that they're a part of, be it in-game, on the internet, or real life. The internet will always be a paradise for any pathetic low-lifes that want to antagonise other people without fear of consequences, all they want is to provoke a reaction from you to show that you're frustrated. You can't punch someone in the face on the internet unfortunately.

Keep ignoring idiots, screenshot any dubious behaviour, and it'll keep both to a minimum.

Anyone worth talking to will either be nice from the start or change their ways.

08-21-2010, 11:30 AM
And that's why you report offenders to make Alterra a happier, safer place. :)

08-21-2010, 11:46 AM
I was just thinking the same thing bmc85uk. In real life and social situations being a jerk has immediate consequences such as getting fired, shunned by coworkers or if you're rude to the wrong person, a good chance of getting hit. In games such as this and on the internet there is a level of anonymity and those who are too immature or scared in real life act like jerks without fear of repercussions.