View Full Version : New Build: Not sure if it'll pwn

06-18-2012, 12:08 PM
I wanted to make something different and I'm thinking of a voodoo build with which I need some suggestions.

Attribute points are same, i.e. 75 INT rest DEX.

Skill points:

Nightmare 6
Weakness 6
Fire: 6
Heal: 6
Ice: 2
Frost: 1
Light: 6

Will this work at all?

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06-18-2012, 12:10 PM
I wouldn't use a build without drain. I would kill you before you could debuff.

Just my opinion.

06-18-2012, 12:28 PM
It might not work against voodoo.. But against bears and birds?

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06-18-2012, 12:32 PM
Why dont you just go with an old classic build? Like 6drain,6fire,6light. Or 6drain, 6ice, 6fire? Your build will fail because of the lack of dmg and armor.. i mean 1bom and 1bov? Really?

06-18-2012, 12:39 PM
Hmm.. I've not tried it yet. I guess I'll stick to the traditional build.

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06-18-2012, 02:30 PM
There are a few reasons why it will fail terribly. For one, like walk said, mages will kill you before you even get within the 8m range to call in debuffs. Two, buffs are the most important thing in pvp. Without them, you will fail. Three, mages are the most abundant class in L35 pvp, then can heal away your debuffs and BAM! 12 Skill points down the drain, or... 12 skill points you could have used for nukeing.

06-18-2012, 02:33 PM
It might not work against voodoo.. But against bears and birds?

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2

Id kill you with my bear and bird before you debuffed them, as well.

06-20-2012, 12:45 AM
Go for traditional build. You'd be wasting off ur voodoo gear if u couple it with that build of yours. :ambivalence:


06-20-2012, 01:10 PM
low buffs = low wins....

debuffs? slow

07-19-2012, 03:45 PM
Lol ok ok firs of all there is 000.0000.0001/10 chance you will hit debuffs and your buffs are way to low lol put you buffs AT max take off debuffs add 6 to drain so so far you have 6 buffs and 6 drain ok here where you decide if you want a ice build or a light build ok so here are the advantages for both light build = awesome / mostly win in shied fights / if your good KITER it's pro ok now for the ice build = very effective nuke build / not good vs shield fights ok IMO I prefer light build so add points to you light I prefer 4+ then add 1 to shield 1 frostbite fire should be 6 because you need it for kiting and when you added points to drain / light / fire / ice / buffs / shield now come the heal ok I suggest you put 2 in heal max so put 2 in heal and rest in ice that's a average light build now for very effective nuke build but fails mostly if your vs ing kiters k 6 buffs 6 drain 6 ice 6 fire 1 mana shield and rest in heal

07-19-2012, 03:57 PM
If you wanna try some special builds do these:
6 Bov
6 Bom
6 Drain
5 Ice
6 Fire
3 Light(Huge damage increas from Rank 2 Light)
1 Heal
1 M/S

This build has almost the nuking power of the drain ice fire build with nearly double the lightning damage of a drain ice build.

Tank Build:
6 Bov
6 Bom
6 Light
5 Drain
5 Fire
1 Ice
4 Heal
1 Shield

Drain after your opponent then Heal Ice Light Fire

Spam Light Ice Fire in any order right after

07-19-2012, 04:29 PM
If he kites right. Heals off the damage, it might could work. This being he kites 100% at 12m and firestorms away before you 35s can get more than a drain off.

07-19-2012, 06:43 PM
Believe it works as long as you have decent armor like 65 plus with a bit of dodge. Against Light builds you need to stay at 9-12 m until your going in with your light. Against Ice builds, your drain should heal you of our opponets drain and your heal takes care of the ice so only the firewould do significant damage. Your ice Light fire hhoudd then nuke.