View Full Version : Suggestions

11-06-2021, 04:33 AM
Hello i wanted to talk about the new mythic mage gun...

I see its kinda hard to proc sometimes needing even 10 charged attacks and that tales lot of time....
i have seen in previous update logs that the proc chance of charged attacks has being increased but still atm this gun is useless in my opinion of only one uses it in a map need mant attack to apply the pressure crush debuff to bosses and without this the gun is useless...

I have seen that if there are 2 gun users the change of applying the pressure crush debuff to enemy is much greater and also that then the normal attack of all gun users apply the deep squize and thats nice.....but in solo mode the gun as i said doesnt proc much and i dont ask to make it more op than 76arcanes ofc but at this point feels like totally underpowered...like damage only by skills xD

Anyways is there a way to make it proc more.often when one user uses it only? Cause i understand that if u make it proc more often in general then if more than one user uses gun maybe its toooo overpowered...

Or maybe make the proc pressure crush and the deep squize be applied per user only and only the user that proc can see the text??? Ofc without the debuffs stacking to boss...

Or maybe make it charge faster somehow? Or proc by normal attack???

Thank a lot not trying to cry just saying feels wierd to spend so much and sometimes do zero damage if u are only gun user in pt....

11-11-2021, 01:00 PM
I see now the new mythic gun will only apply deep squize per player debuff sooo that means the gun is even more nerfed now....u have to make it at least proc more often... @cinco have said in this expansion they will take care of balance and make mages fun again but i see again all make huge damage and mages get nerfed.... dissapointed :(