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08-21-2010, 09:12 AM
I have an int ursan build, thesnowqueen, who is only a lvl 10. I was questing on lvl 10 or 11 and ran into a group of other players (only ONE player was a mage) all lvl 7 - 9.

The pure Mage ran into five enemies and was dead instantly:p

THEN she yelled at my bear and a bird to "Revive me. Revive me now."


I know everyone must have funny stories. Post them!

08-21-2010, 09:18 AM
What's even sadder is that I see level 45 Mynas noobs do this same thing all the time...

08-21-2010, 09:27 AM
What's even sadder is that I see level 45 Mynas noobs do this same thing all the time...

I know you're right. It is sad...
BUT we might as well have a laugh as we cry about how much they don't know... so tell me a story:)
Make us laugh, Royce:D

It's like one of my fav quotes in the movie "Steel Magnolias"- "Laughter through tears is one of my favorite emotions...":p

08-21-2010, 09:43 AM
Both being level 19s I was twinking with a friend... The funny thing is that when someone enters if there not level 19 it basically meanS yor going to win... So one time someone enters the gAme on the other team as I was just about to ask "what level" my friend just says meat! and devoured:) him ....quickly.

08-21-2010, 12:41 PM
recently happened, i was playing map 5, and you know how everyone leaves the 20 mobs that lead up to some guy in the map? well i and some mage had died and we had to walk back, as i start walking back im actually behind him...we get to the intersection where you take a left but he kept on going and died...all he said was 'WTF I THOUGHT WE CLEARED!" then he left...

08-21-2010, 12:54 PM
This isn't really a story...But don't you love it when you have like 2 45 chars and your lvling another one....and a guy says like "Haha look at that lvl 8 noob AHAHAHA!" What I love to do when they say that is leave and come back with my 45 char and I say "Hey its me that lvl 8 noob :)" Then I crack up....

08-21-2010, 01:12 PM
This isn't really a story...But don't you love it when you have like 2 45 chars and your lvling another one....and a guy says like "Haha look at that lvl 8 noob AHAHAHA!" What I love to do when they say that is leave and come back with my 45 char and I say "Hey its me that lvl 8 noob :)" Then I crack up....

Lol lol omg yes!
I was lvling a char in Forest Haven campaign and I tried to help this guy because he kept getting killed. He said, " SHUT UP. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. SHUT UP."

I left and came back as a lvl 45 char & said it was me & then I watched him die & then I left:D

08-21-2010, 01:17 PM
So how about this? I hosted a game on AO2 map 4, looking to fight through the map. Everyone who joins wants to rush, so I say whatever, let's rush. We have an Int mage wearing a vanity hat there. This mage keeps dying, and is at least mostly to blame for the rush failing, and 2 players leaving. The Int mage and the bear who remain still want to rush despite my protests that we don't have a shot, but they just start going, and I don't really care since it's kind of amusing. The mage dies over and over again, sometimes by running far ahead while we stop to kill a Djinn, and keeps restarting despite the fact that I have gone out of my way to get to the corpse and use rez. Eventually more people join, and we half rush, half fight our way through (I can't wait for the game to be over at this point). The mage dies at the boss, and instead of being rez'd restarts the map, and then curses me out for not waiting.

08-21-2010, 01:33 PM
So how about this? I hosted a game on AO2 map 4, looking to fight through the map. Everyone who joins wants to rush, so I say whatever, let's rush. We have an Int mage wearing a vanity hat there. This mage keeps dying, and is at least mostly to blame for the rush failing, and 2 players leaving. The Int mage and the bear who remain still want to rush despite my protests that we don't have a shot, but they just start going, and I don't really care since it's kind of amusing. The mage dies over and over again, sometimes by running far ahead while we stop to kill a Djinn, and keeps restarting despite the fact that I have gone out of my way to get to the corpse and use rez. Eventually more people join, and we half rush, half fight our way through (I can't wait for the game to be over at this point). The mage dies at the boss, and instead of being rez'd restarts the map, and then curses me out for not waiting.

Omg lol ROTFL that's hilarious!

Yesterday or the day before I was in AO2 lvl 4 w a group. We were clearing the map and were about halfway through. One of my friends says, "they are about to disconnect the server. For god's sake, RUSH," lol Nobody wanted to. He begged. We weren't in chars to rush successfully but we went ahead because it was important to him. I had to rez people and it was a hurlyburly mess, but our group intact made it finally to Zmoxx.

One step in the room, and the server disconnected. Lol lol lol lol

08-21-2010, 07:43 PM
ummm...how do ppl know when the servers are gonna get reset? lol

i was playin like last week as my mage (lvl 26 at the time) in fathom crypts with a bumch of lvl 10-15s, one of them kept ranting at me, when he was the only on in the party NOT a mage, to heal him...maybe 5 health points gone each time...and when i told him that i wasnt goin to waste my mana healing him every ten seconds because he doesnt like to not have full health, he goes "its called PREEMPTIVE"...being i wasnt the host of the game, i couldnt boot him...my response, "its called IGNORE"

god i love that button...

08-21-2010, 08:00 PM
im a noob myself but funniest thing i've seen was on swamps one of the "mini" bosses kept killing us since no one would listen to my suggestion of waitin for everyone to get there first, they just kept running in and getting 1-hit was quite humorous.

08-21-2010, 08:01 PM
Ah the lemmings strategy(or Zapp Brannigan)send wave after wave of my own men knowing full well that eventually they would reach their kill limit and shut down.
I love it when players are in maps way above their level and don't know any of the basic game mechanics. Then get mad at you because they keep dying.

08-21-2010, 08:07 PM
im a noob myself but funniest thing i've seen was on swamps one of the "mini" bosses kept killing us since no one would listen to my suggestion of waitin for everyone to get there first, they just kept running in and getting 1-hit was quite humorous.

i hate that place. been there once, lvl 31 warrior...i was killed on the spot. i quit and went to AO, where i didnt get killed at all...lol

08-21-2010, 08:10 PM
im a noob myself but funniest thing i've seen was on swamps one of the "mini" bosses kept killing us since no one would listen to my suggestion of waitin for everyone to get there first, they just kept running in and getting 1-hit was quite humorous.

Lmao, I've seen this too :D They run single file like lemmings into frogmar (or Lebow), to their (repeated) doom. I also love the related phenomenon of players who don't understand working together, and just follow their autoattack wherever it takes them. It's mostly amusing since they usually just wander away and get killed, but it can be annoying when you're trying to fight a boss, and some bear is off to the side hacking away at a regular croc or mummy.

08-21-2010, 08:37 PM
My favorite is other then having my bird booted by a mage for ~refusing~ to rev them was when I hosted a AO2:1 game. A level 21 and a Level 31 join, and it goes like this:
me: I'm rushing.
Lvl31: Yeah, same, please don't boot me.
Lvl21: Yeah, please don't boot.
Lvl31: LOL, a level 21 asking not get booted. Beat it and come back when you get some experience.
me: /boot lvl31

08-23-2010, 11:20 AM
I was in Zyla's lounge (as I like to call it) a while ago leveling my twink - for the record, playing along and not just sitting in the corner leeching - when another player enters. He must have gotten there by joining a friend because he asks, "What is this place?" I tell him and he asks how you get there. I explain how you can use the grate or search for Hidden and Balefort. He says, "Wow, I'm a 45 and I didn't know that!!"

I debated telling him about my two 45s, but in the end I just said "Yeah see, noobs are good for something!" He totally bought it and was like, "Omg yeah you're right!" I was lmao and nobody knew it. :D

08-23-2010, 11:33 AM
My funny story happened this weekend. Two level 45 Mynas Generation noobs are trying to get people to help them run AO2:1, and one of them says to the other, "I know, I'll invite Snakespeare." But Snakes is only level 39. When Snakes arrives, they forget that they invited him and, seeing he's only level 39, give him the boot. Doh! Silly noob should have looked at the level of the person he invited before inviting him. LOL! They must have thought I was yet another level-capped noob from the Tombs of Mynas. hahahahahaha!!! ... ["friend" removed, of course] ...

Two level 45s should be able to do AO2:1 without me... :)

and FWIW I don't intend to run AO2 until I reach 40th. Invites should tell you where they are inviting you. Others have been inviting me to AO2:3, which is a map for the sort of player I never want to be...

08-23-2010, 11:43 AM
Lmao, I've seen this too :D They run single file like lemmings into frogmar (or Lebow), to their (repeated) doom. I also love the related phenomenon of players who don't understand working together, and just follow their autoattack wherever it takes them. It's mostly amusing since they usually just wander away and get killed, but it can be annoying when you're trying to fight a boss, and some bear is off to the side hacking away at a regular croc or mummy.

I have had some good noob experiences lately. Been really enjoying the Swamps, and I always look forward to a groups first single file death march, which is pretty much inevitable and to be expected of noobs. Right after everyone respawns, I either wait up, or tell the first person to wait up and tell people it is time to regroup at a point away from the boss and take em together. MOST people are really willing to do this and fall in behind a leader, and the one or two that runs ahead just dies again and then joins up. I find if I try to help a group work together BEFORE the first slaughter, it never takes, but after that humbling experience, Noobs are ready to learn.

08-23-2010, 11:57 AM
"Wow, I'm a 45 and I didn't know that!!"
This is actually the official motto of the Mynas Generation. I think they're getting t-shirts printed up that say that ;)

08-23-2010, 12:09 PM
This is actually the official motto of the Mynas Generation. I think they're getting t-shirts printed up that say that ;)

I think when Snakes reached level 44, I will put him aside and wait for AO3. I just don't want anyone to ever think I'm one of them.

08-23-2010, 12:15 PM
I have had some good noob experiences lately. Been really enjoying the Swamps, and I always look forward to a groups first single file death march, which is pretty much inevitable and to be expected of noobs. Right after everyone respawns, I either wait up, or tell the first person to wait up and tell people it is time to regroup at a point away from the boss and take em together. MOST people are really willing to do this and fall in behind a leader, and the one or two that runs ahead just dies again and then joins up. I find if I try to help a group work together BEFORE the first slaughter, it never takes, but after that humbling experience, Noobs are ready to learn.

I've been playing in the swamps lately too. I love it when the newbies join and they just run off on their own. I explain teamwork and strategy.They die. Too far for me to Rez. I explain. They run off on their own again. They die. I explain. They run off on their own again. They die. I explain. They join the group. I explain about bosses. They run straight to the boss when they get near. They die. I explain. They die. I explain. They join the team in clearing crocs to the boss.

I lmao when they head off on their own. You see the health line zip to zero then shoot up cause they're spamming pots...
Then they blackline:) lol

But, they come out of the swamps as good players- IF they ever go to the swamps again...

That's the thing, Royce... A lot them won't go back...
I think the mynas generation should have "I went to the swamps ONCE" on the back of the tshirt:D

08-23-2010, 12:30 PM
Furrawn, get this, I was running around in AO1 with my new build as a warbird, and using that Zombie's Saintly Shield. Well, it must have been a Saints fan who started msg'ing me asking where I got it and such, and offering me 2K to help him get one. What could I say? It's a pink from Swamps. You have to play it. He was asking what level, which boss, and I had no idea. I just played it a lot of times and it's the only pink I got from there. You can't go to swamps hoping for pinks. You have to do it because you like a challenge.

08-23-2010, 12:46 PM
Getting together a post about this at some point today, but the basic idea is that Swamp's are the cure for the Mynas Generation. I really think there needs to be quests soon for the swamps, and they need to have really elite and NOTICEABLE gear that is not trade able. Even at 45, the current Mynas Generation could learn a lot from the swamps.

08-23-2010, 12:54 PM
Getting together a post about this at some point today, but the basic idea is that Swamp's are the cure for the Mynas Generation. I really think there needs to be quests soon for the swamps, and they need to have really elite and NOTICEABLE gear that is not trade able. Even at 45, the current Mynas Generation could learn a lot from the swamps.

Interesting idea. I agree Mynas Geners could learn a lot from the swamps, if they were willing to stick it out. I was in a game with my level 36 warbird, and a level 30ish mage in the swamps. A level 45 mage joins, either trying to help out, or looking for a voodoo doll more likely. The level 45 is somewhat helpful at first, but then when we get to the area where there is a large space with Frogmar in the middle surrounded by mobs on all sides, the obvious Mynaser goes straight for the Witch. We have not cleared any of the surrounding mobs yet, and this mage just follows Frogmar around the map as she flies back and forth, accumulating a huge following of crocs. At some point the mage realizes he has acquired more following crocs than he can handle, and he exits the game, leaving me and the other mage to deal with the huge group of riled up crocs. Mynas geners aren't just funny, they also ruin the game for others. I didn't care, I stuck around and finished the map (others eventually joined), but that other mage left after being clobbered by the croc army that the level 45 had trained. Who knows if that player (who seemed to be pretty decent from what I saw) will ever return to the swamps...

08-23-2010, 04:36 PM
Getting together a post about this at some point today, but the basic idea is that Swamp's are the cure for the Mynas Generation. I really think there needs to be quests soon for the swamps, and they need to have really elite and NOTICEABLE gear that is not trade able. Even at 45, the current Mynas Generation could learn a lot from the swamps.

I fully agree, but I also think there are those that are so anti out of the box thinking that they are noobs.

I solo the boss run in swamps (I just kill the bosses and reset). Other's think that is just impossible and just laugh at the attempt.

Well, it's pretty easy, just a little time consuming taking around 20min to clear or so.

And I also have to agree with the noobs that want to rush. What happens is they were let into a successful rushing party, or just one clear, and they think that every class combination can do it...no way hoser. Each map requires a different setup. Level 1, 2, and 3, 2 45's can clear (can't quite solo that guy with no pots, will someday though!!!) The rest require bears, not all, but at least 2 or 3. The more you get, the faster it goes. And whoever says dex bears can't rush because they are not STR is just assanine.

08-23-2010, 11:40 PM
well, the swamps USED TO BE the cure for the mynas gen...im off to see just how easy the new swamps are, wish me death, as im hoping the crocs are still at least a tiny bit of a challenge

08-23-2010, 11:45 PM
Ya, wondering how easy they are now...

08-23-2010, 11:45 PM
You know what? I just came up with a brilliant idea...every time a player joins my game I will check their kills and ask them if they power lvled in lvl 3 if they have low kills and they say yes I will most likely boot them because I don't need myna gen people on my team because we will fail.

08-24-2010, 06:19 PM
You know what? I just came up with a brilliant idea...every time a player joins my game I will check their kills and ask them if they power lvled in lvl 3 if they have low kills and they say yes I will most likely boot them because I don't need myna gen people on my team because we will fail.

Yeah, but if you do that then those mynas gen players lose the chance to play with a great player:(
Maybe give them a chance. If they're jerks boot them, but otherwise maybe let them play once with you just to learn:)
I know you're one the best PL players...

P.S. I mean level 40 - 45 mynas gen... Not the tots...

08-24-2010, 06:30 PM
Some noob at lvl 2 joined my game and said
So i booted him from the party.

08-24-2010, 06:59 PM
Some noob at lvl 2 joined my game and said
So i booted him from the party.

Lol lol
Don't you love that? Or they'll join and say: don't boot me.
Why don't they don't realize that if they have to say "don't boot me," they're going to get booted!

Or the level 1 tot who tries to sell oasis pinks. What? Why? How?

08-25-2010, 02:41 AM
Someone sold himself as a slave to me so i took him to ao2 and told him to solo it. He died about 600 times then he gave up.

Good entertainment

08-25-2010, 03:03 AM
Hmm, OH! One time, there was a random level 45 in our party, and he didn't know rarities yet, somehow, so I asked him for one item he got, and after that, he gave me everything he got, he even gave me a Thoth buckler! He was wearing Sandy Robes, oh, and our archer died, and the archer asked for rev, and he asked the person for rez, and he said "What's rez?" and we said "Revive" and he said "K? How do I do that?" It was so funny!

IBMK made me think of another. So, it was me, and my friends farming old school (clearing) and once we got to a D'Jinn a level 30ish joined, we told him, if you can solo D'Jinn without our help, we will let you stay and give you 200K, he said, OK!, he then died about 200 times from D'Jinn and finally said "Can I get half for trying?" hahahahaha

Oh, today I was asked 6K to buy a white level 44 desert fire crossbow, need I say more? ;)

08-25-2010, 10:07 AM
Was playing in the Mynas Swamps yesterday with my Lvl 34 InteliSwamp Bear. There was a 34, a 20, a lvl 45 Mage (which I felt sooooo bad for) and a level 7, yes SEVEN. And the seven died a bit, but not NEARLY as much as you would expect. So the level seven pm's me and asks if I can give them some health potions. I literally burst out laughing.

08-25-2010, 10:20 AM
The Mynas Swamps?
OMG... Love the moniker! Love it!

08-25-2010, 10:21 AM
I joined a random map 4 rush group yesterday with my lev 45 pally. After the first run the most powerful members left and we were joined by a lev 45 int mage in a brown robe, and a level 30ish bird in a vanity hat. At which point the only bear in our group, a lev 45 who was leading, says: "OK, let's go!". Oh, and we were also supposed to be skipping djins. I don't like to leave a group at the last moment in the middle of a fight/rush no matter what, but in this case I really think I should have.

Anyways, yes we all died very quickly.

08-25-2010, 11:24 AM
Speaking of brown robes...I've been seeing more of that recently. I figured it was just not a lvl 45 item, but I got to thinking...what level is that? like 8?

08-25-2010, 11:42 AM
There are level 39ish to 44 armors in that color, with names like "desert robe" and "sandy plate." All junk - they give a lot less armor than a good robe that level. Never paid much attention to them either. But yes, I've been seeing them a lot too these days. Even had to wear one on an alt for a short while, after I respeced and suddenly found myself without anything in my inventory for that level, haha... That was embarrassing. :o

08-25-2010, 11:54 AM
The very name, Sandy Plate Mail, sounds itchy. Poor itchy bears! There aren't any trees to scratch your rump against in the desert, so what do you do? Use a cactus?

08-25-2010, 12:08 PM
The Mynas Swamps?
OMG... Love the moniker! Love it!

I like -swamps even better since it's now like the swamps minus what made them fun...

08-25-2010, 12:26 PM
I put this elsewhere, so please forgive my redundancy, but...

Only the 5 primary maps were nerfed. The mini-dungeons are still at the same level. So, if you had fun in the difficult swamps, just go to Mardi Growl or Bayou Boss Brawl. I'd love to see some level 45s rush the trio of bosses in Brawl. Do they sell tickets? LOL! Maybe that will be fun. Invite some Mynas Generation players to Boss Brawl and say, let's see what you can do in here!

I relented, out of curiosity, and did the entire Swamps packet today. Like I say, it was a cakewalk for the first 5 maps, then I was back in the old Swamps for the mini-dungeons. They are not nerfed.

Funniest thing, since I had the mage, was when someone was calling "Rev Rev" while the three bosses stood over his corpse. I actually tried to reach him once. What WAS I thinking? I think he died about 20 times before he left the game. I was like, "Pull one away from the rest. We can do this." But all we got were useless orange items. I have to say, it was an exercise in futility.

08-25-2010, 12:28 PM
The very name, Sandy Plate Mail, sounds itchy. Poor itchy bears! There aren't any trees to scratch your rump against in the desert, so what do you do? Use a cactus?

Infact, we DO use cactus. or.. We wear normal gear :D

08-25-2010, 12:49 PM
Ok, I'll join, though sometimes I'm not sure whether I'm laughing or annoyed.

(1) I'm calling them cowardly level 45s, who think they cannot do anything unless they're backed up by a full group of other level 45s. And I don't mean just to run an area fast, either. Running fast I get. Not being able to do an area because you do not have enough shields around you because the other shields don't know they are shields ... Maybe that's priceless. Which leads to ...
(2) Bears who don't roar, Birds who don't scream, and clerics who don't buff. Um, are they playing?
This particularly applies to the previous level 45s, but also to lower levels who don't even KNOW what skills they have, much less how to use those skills. Um, hello, when a new skill is available, I actually LOOK at it and I can read. (Come on, doesn't this apply to ALL games?)
(3) Add to that, bears who don't pull, birds who don't grow roots, clerics who can barely heal. Hello? Group with 3 mages; Why isn't the tank warrior, the one keeping the boss one of you morons triggered off your heads, getting healed? I've seen weaker 45s than some level 20s and 30s. I'm sorry, but a weak 45 is just pathetic. Actually a weak any level is just pathetic. I don't care what great EQ and pots you've got if you have NO skills. Remind me not to tank for none VoB, VoM mages (How come there are so many of these? "BUFFs? What're those?"). Remind me to also not tank for people who love to trigger multiple bosses in the Swamp mini-dungeon. Jeez. Do they NOT know mini-dungeons or something?
(4) I admit to replying "Sure" with my tank bear when asked for a rev. AND a dead mage, who got revived by another mage, who then says, "I didn't know warriors could revive." Oh my god, LMAO!!

I need to have more fun with these people. And I need to not spam pots trying to save them. Hmm...
I have also tried the education route, though I'm thinking about giving up on that. My brother says to keep trying.
I have told bears to scream, birds to scream, birds to root, mages to heal, buff and ink. I think mostly they think I'm speaking Russian.
Well, a few of those times was someone going, "Is that something _I_ can do?" Another LMAO moment.
Or the level 45s who wonder what a combo is ... oh wait, I'm assuming they actually know what their skills are ... Man, I crack myself up a lot.

Now for something a bit more inspirational (and apparently against the grain of common wisdom):
(1) Early on, as a level 20s cleric, I cleared AO2 with a couple 45s (one was a pally) and a really low level (he was an alt). We did good, did not get stalled anywhere, got pinks.
(2) As level 42 INT cleric, I start on AO1 alone, people join and I take a group from AO1 through AO2 and clear. The mostly end group has a level 41 mage, two level 30s warriors (one who knew what he was doing, one who wasn't bad), a 20s bird. We clear the tower without too much dying, without getting hung up, even with several players crashing out (one bear and bird), several people level, and we got pinks.
(3) A level 29 warrior, with no special potions or EQ, tanking swamps with a level 23 cleric (who knew what he was doing) and almost clearing it: Now that is fun.
It's also fun to tank the area and watch the idiot level 34 warrior, who doesn't have any skills except whack with battle sword, rush ahead, and die. Quite entertaining.
(4) Tanking Frosts as a level 20s warrior, finishing alone while lots of level 30s quit out after dying: dying bears, mages, archers. More LOL moments.

08-25-2010, 12:57 PM
lol happened to me a lvl 16 joined and I sat there and every atempt to kill something he died ahahaha he did it like 20 times then I went to go eat and came back he was still trying hahahah

08-25-2010, 01:57 PM
Ok, I'll join, though sometimes I'm not sure whether I'm laughing or annoyed.

(1) I'm calling them cowardly level 45s, who think they cannot do anything unless they're backed up by a full group of other level 45s. And I don't mean just to run an area fast, either. Running fast I get. Not being able to do an area because you do not have enough shields around you because the other shields don't know they are shields ... Maybe that's priceless. Which leads to ...
(2) Bears who don't roar, Birds who don't scream, and clerics who don't buff. Um, are they playing?
This particularly applies to the previous level 45s, but also to lower levels who don't even KNOW what skills they have, much less how to use those skills. Um, hello, when a new skill is available, I actually LOOK at it and I can read. (Come on, doesn't this apply to ALL games?)
(3) Add to that, bears who don't pull, birds who don't grow roots, clerics who can barely heal. Hello? Group with 3 mages; Why isn't the tank warrior, the one keeping the boss one of you morons triggered off your heads, getting healed? I've seen weaker 45s than some level 20s and 30s. I'm sorry, but a weak 45 is just pathetic. Actually a weak any level is just pathetic. I don't care what great EQ and pots you've got if you have NO skills. Remind me not to tank for none VoB, VoM mages (How come there are so many of these? "BUFFs? What're those?"). Remind me to also not tank for people who love to trigger multiple bosses in the Swamp mini-dungeon. Jeez. Do they NOT know mini-dungeons or something?
(4) I admit to replying "Sure" with my tank bear when asked for a rev. AND a dead mage, who got revived by another mage, who then says, "I didn't know warriors could revive." Oh my god, LMAO!!

I need to have more fun with these people. And I need to not spam pots trying to save them. Hmm...
I have also tried the education route, though I'm thinking about giving up on that. My brother says to keep trying.
I have told bears to scream, birds to scream, birds to root, mages to heal, buff and ink. I think mostly they think I'm speaking Russian.
Well, a few of those times was someone going, "Is that something _I_ can do?" Another LMAO moment.
Or the level 45s who wonder what a combo is ... oh wait, I'm assuming they actually know what their skills are ... Man, I crack myself up a lot.

Now for something a bit more inspirational (and apparently against the grain of common wisdom):
(1) Early on, as a level 20s cleric, I cleared AO2 with a couple 45s (one was a pally) and a really low level (he was an alt). We did good, did not get stalled anywhere, got pinks.
(2) As level 42 INT cleric, I start on AO1 alone, people join and I take a group from AO1 through AO2 and clear. The mostly end group has a level 41 mage, two level 30s warriors (one who knew what he was doing, one who wasn't bad), a 20s bird. We clear the tower without too much dying, without getting hung up, even with several players crashing out (one bear and bird), several people level, and we got pinks.
(3) A level 29 warrior, with no special potions or EQ, tanking swamps with a level 23 cleric (who knew what he was doing) and almost clearing it: Now that is fun.
It's also fun to tank the area and watch the idiot level 34 warrior, who doesn't have any skills except whack with battle sword, rush ahead, and die. Quite entertaining.
(4) Tanking Frosts as a level 20s warrior, finishing alone while lots of level 30s quit out after dying: dying bears, mages, archers. More LOL moments.

I was crying I was laughing so hard while reading some of the stuff you wrote!
I do get my bird skills awry sometimes when naming them in posts because playing the birds is new for me... The warrior reviving was my fav story... Lol I bet you were laughing so hard.

Your "PL Bucket List" isn't against the common wisdom at all, IMO. The furor over levels being in the wrong place is because they are new, don't know how to play, and get to lvl 45 being just as clueless as they were as level one tots. If they had to level one char the slow way and learn then whatever would be fine.

I agree with a lot of your list. I plan on taking Henbane into Lost Ex as a lvl 15. Keeps me on my toes. Makes the game wicked fun. If it's too much for her, I'll try again at lvl 16 etc...

I was in the dungeon of Ursan Wealde today and there was a lvl 7 playing in there with a Santa hat on... We were taking bets on how many seconds before he blacklined... Lol
But, alas, no seconds- it was instantly:)

08-25-2010, 07:22 PM
I am sooo loving this thread. Just hilarious.

There're tons more of these stories, as I'm sure you are all aware. Pretty much every game you join. As I said, I crack myself up a lot :)

What's amazing is the difference if just one other player in the party knows how to play and especially if they know combos. But alas...that is the exception. However, watching idiots die is amazingly funny. Though I do still try to save them *sigh*, just maybe now not as enthusiastically. LOL.

08-25-2010, 07:42 PM
Getting this invite

08-25-2010, 11:03 PM
I lol'd, what happened next he started messaging me a countdown. It's hard to see but he's level 26


08-26-2010, 01:02 AM
I lol'd, what happened next he started messaging me a countdown. It's hard to see but he's level 26


Omg! Wow how unbelievably idiotic is that? He wanted you, a level 45, to pay him for the swamps? Sigh. What a shyster! Who would have thought that the day would come that a lvl 26 would own a swamp game? It's funny.... But it's sad, too. The demise of the swamps. The carpetbaggers have moved into the swamps.

I went in the swamps tonight. It was horrible. People just running all over the map with no strategy. Worse, they were using behaviors that are WORSE than in Mynas Tombs because many of the swamp maps are open. I hate to say this but I can see the nerfed swamps contributing to the rise of even worse players.

Some twisted part of me wants to take20's & 30's through and watch them run higgledy piggledy all over the maps. Then watch when they hit like the Boss Brawl that snakespeare said wasn't nerfed. Lol
Blacklined group. Lol

I used to be able to teach in the swamps. Not now. They don't die so they don't listen.

Please if someone takes a group, tell the story. Please! :D

08-26-2010, 01:09 AM
I have another one, the day the fathom quests come out, I'm just finished the quests on my main and went it the map under the tomb, first time just slowing wandering through enjoying the map, when another level 45 joins and and as he catches up says "run nub", then runs off smashing through the lot. I just stood there gobsmacked.

08-26-2010, 12:22 PM
Someone sold himself as a slave to me so i took him to ao2 and told him to solo it. He died about 600 times then he gave up.

Good entertainment

lmao gkjyfdvbjiutcvhutrd

08-26-2010, 12:27 PM
Me:s-conqs lance

Lvl 2: I'll buy

Me: k offer?

Lvl 2: ( Puts up 9k)

Me: No way it's worth way more! ( Leaves trade)

Lvl 2: No I have more!

Me: then where is it?

Lvl 2: I made part of the game so i can have 100000k if I want to!

Me: Rofl! I know all the devs so get out noob.

This happened to me today lol.

08-26-2010, 12:31 PM
maybe it was a devs alt! lol jk

08-26-2010, 12:34 PM
No wonder I got banned lol jk :)

08-26-2010, 01:43 PM
umm.. new one from today!

so.. this noob lv 20 is leeching my zyla kills... acting like hes pro. He got a sniper auto -.- I asked to buy it for 1.5k, he said " 1.5k! thats impossible" so i said i was joking and got it for 100 gold... like a bawss

08-26-2010, 01:56 PM
so.. im selling a zuraz lance.... and a noob offers to sell it for me... lol.. i played along.. look at this funny ****

08-27-2010, 05:38 AM
Ok i was wit machinima in the towne. He is lvl 45 strenght archer and asked around if someone could sell him a black armor. He gets one, and then he asks: how do i get spikes on shoulders. Omg i was like wtf lvl 45 super noob?????

08-27-2010, 06:01 AM
Ok i was wit machinima in the towne. He is lvl 45 strenght archer and asked around if someone could sell him a black armor. He gets one, and then he asks: how do i get spikes on shoulders. Omg i was like wtf lvl 45 super noob?????

Bahahahahahahahaha, that's great!!!

King Kamehameha
08-27-2010, 06:27 AM
This isn't really a story...But don't you love it when you have like 2 45 chars and your lvling another one....and a guy says like "Haha look at that lvl 8 noob AHAHAHA!" What I love to do when they say that is leave and come back with my 45 char and I say "Hey its me that lvl 8 noob :)" Then I crack up....

Lol something like that happened with me I started a new guy and asked a 45 on my mains list if he could power level me and we got halfway through when a level 13 joins an says let's rush and finish level my guy was level 3 by this time I said no this is an xp run and he says omg noob kick him we'll do this on our own so my friend and I got a bit further and I said to him can you hang on a bit he said k so I leave and go on my main join and then say wanna kick me now :) he then says ok how much did the noob pay you I say I am the "noob" lol he said yea right my friend says he is the level 4 then the 13 says how much did he pay you too there's no way a noob has a level 45 XD

08-27-2010, 09:25 AM
my friend says he is the level 4 then the 13 says how much did he pay you too there's no way a noob has a level 45 XD

Wow. The logic of some people just boggles the mind.

08-27-2010, 10:30 AM
I'm a bear that acually takes care of my mages and keeps them from dying but when i'm getting low on health, y don't i get healed?

I only know a few mages that takes care of the other members and ther's only like 3 of them

If ur a mage, plz look at ur team mate's health, and heal them when needed

08-27-2010, 10:39 AM
was playing with a mynas noob (A bear), who thought he was a hotshot. he bet 10k that he could solo a djinn, i took him on. he died obviously, then proceeded to complain that his firestorm and blizzard spells dissapeared off his spell list. He then proceeded to say, "now give me 10k" and i said "but you lost" and he said "well betting is illegal in this game you noob, and if you dont give me 10k, ill report you to the gamemasters. one of them is a friend of mine"

08-27-2010, 10:56 AM
Ok. I was just playing thesnowqueen in the Fathom dungeon... I was a lvl 20... Fighting on my own... Fine... There is a lvl 45 in the boss room where the bosses spawn. I'm just out killing minions. For my lvl 20, they aren't mindless kills since a group of them can kill me easily. So a lvl 26 Mage joins. Sees there's a lvl 45 and decides to RUSH to the boss room. So the lvl 26 Mage brings a whole posse of the bad guys to where I am quietly killing & minding my own business. The bad guys get to me and I mistakenly try to help the Mage. The whole bad guy mob focuses on me the lvl 20 int bear. By timing my skills right and moving around, I manage to stay alive & kill them. Afterwards, I sarcastically say in the chatbox, "Thanks for bringing a huge mob to me and then not staying to kill any of them." The lvl 26 Mage doesn't care and finishes rushing to the boss room w the lvl 45. The lvl 45 waited til a boss spawned and then exited. Lol at least that's my guess based on the lvl 45 leaving and the lvl 26 Mage being clobbered.

I'm still working around the rest of the dungeon. A lvl 27 pure bear joins. Brings a mob to me. But he does stay to help me clear them. We team up til we get outside the boss room. I say that I'm too weak as a lvl 20 to kill those bosses w/out a team. I begin to retrace my path backwards- killing as I go... Then suddenly there is the lvl 27 bear who has run through half the map backwards and brought Xaxis and Meathead with him. He died instantly. Idiot that I am, I felt like exiting out was bad form even though I knew I would die if I tried. I tried anyway. I could have managed one but not both. I had Meathead half dead when Xaxis hit me square in the back. Sigh. Respawn. The lvl 27, (smarter now, right?) and I go through the map again. Then a new person joins and brings a mob. By the time I've helped them clear, near the front of the map, guess what dummy comes barreling around the corner with Xaxis on his heels?
I thought, "Forget it. Not again." so I exited out.

I have two things to say to newbies:

1) Why are you rushing as a lvl 26/27 in a Fathom Dungeon? Where are you running to? The boss you can't kill? And don't bring a mob to an innocent who tries to help you only to have you run off like a cowardly slimy slug.

2) If your intelligence is low enough and your ego high enough that you go into the dungeon boss room like smurfette thinking she's Hercules, then have the decency to die in the boss room alone.

08-28-2010, 01:17 AM
I am so in love with this thread, but OMG, Furrawn, that Fathom Crypt story had me balling. It is SO true! There is no strategy whatsoever. I find myself often observing to see who is actually using their skills and shaking my head when just about nobody does.

I'm leveling a bird again (I think he's level 22 now or something; it's so hard to NOT level). I'm observing that in pretty much all the groups, players that can buff either themselves or their party rarely do and players that can stun bosses rarely do that as well. Everyone just rushes in and does straight damage. It's really hilarious. It's like everyone's a warrior with no other skills than their weapon, though some weapons are fireballs (or iceballs, etc).

As for the swamps, people do run all over, which is actually funny as well. But they still die. Well, ok, sometimes a few maps in, but sooner or later, they run into a boss. I like AO1 for the same reason: there are no set rooms and there always seems to be someone who likes to run around ahead of the group and trigger multiple bosses. I think I'm kind of used to that now, particularly in those areas. I just assume someone's gonna trigger a boss or more than one when there's more than one. I end up looking around more and setting myself up and/or weighing which boss to take on and/or lead away while the group recovers. The "triggerer" rarely learns though: usually they're off again after the next boss. Since I expect that, I actually have quite a bit of fun anticipating someone fleeing in with a boss or two on their tail. I'm ready with buffs, debuffs, and stuns, and it's really really funny. I always imagine these people running to the group screaming their head off. I guess I consider them my bait kite :)

I'm also one of those people who don't leave unless it's truly impossible and amazingly enough, most times it's not impossible. I remember my young mage and a lone young warrior working on killing our 1st D'jinn. We died a few times, but not as many as we thought, and boy did we feel good when we finally did it. Of course, that also means, sometimes I jump in when I should know better. LOL. I guess I consider getting mobbed also entertaining.

Of course, my bird and bear still get asked to do revs. This game has SO many laughs :)

08-28-2010, 01:31 AM
What I have started to notice on pug's is enchantresses that throughout the whole map, do not use one single spell, I don't mean not doing combos, non-existent healing or not buffing/debuffing, I mean zip, nada, zero, just constant whacking of the attack button with their staff.

Just creepy.

08-28-2010, 04:35 PM
They know the server is going to disconnect before a patch or an update. it says 5 min before update! then 4,3,2,1.

Lvling a a friend, when a mynas noob shows up. I get the noob to lvl 45, yet he has tons of deaths and no kills (due to the fact he didnt put any points into stats yet) and says whats a good build for a dex bear? and i said just go with my build! he says man ur build sucks. i bet i could make a better build easily. He promptly decides to go int bear, a tricky decision cuz if you mess up, ur screwed. he puts all points into int, and says, "God dammit! i cant equip a motha ****ing bow! WTH! Stupid game!!!!!" i was lmao. Then he says "my build is stil better than urs. so i agroed a djinn and killed him. happy times

King Kamehameha
08-28-2010, 05:02 PM
They know the server is going to disconnect before a patch or an update. it says 5 min before update! then 4,3,2,1.

Lvling a a friend, when a mynas noob shows up. I get the noob to lvl 45, yet he has tons of deaths and no kills (due to the fact he didnt put any points into stats yet) and says whats a good build for a dex bear? and i said just go with my build! he says man ur build sucks. i bet i could make a better build easily. He promptly decides to go int bear, a tricky decision cuz if you mess up, ur screwed. he puts all points into int, and says, "God dammit! i cant equip a motha ****ing bow! WTH! Stupid game!!!!!" i was lmao. Then he says "my build is stil better than urs. so i agroed a djinn and killed him. happy times

Lol that ha to be one of the funniest stories ever he should learn to see what an item requires before he boasts and picks his stats

08-30-2010, 09:14 AM
When my bird was lvl 23 I stopped doing the tomes quest and moved to Expedition. Ran into another level 20ish bird and we were both slowly moving along when a lev 31 bear joins. Somehow he manages to kill himself and is not doing so well. So he turns to us, says "You guys shouldn't be here!" and leaves.

I'm thinking, in that case what should I even say to all the level 18s trying to join aos2 rushes? :D

08-30-2010, 11:32 AM
I'm a bear that actually takes care of my mages and keeps them from dying but when i'm getting low on health, y don't i get healed?

Please what is your IGN ? A bear that will actually tank and use skills besides Rage I would love to have on my friends list. I'll keep you buffed and healed every every time it's off CD :)

08-31-2010, 06:04 PM
I went into ao2 and died.

09-01-2010, 07:46 AM
Please what is your IGN ? A bear that will actually tank and use skills besides Rage I would love to have on my friends list. I'll keep you buffed and healed every every time it's off CD :)

Hehe, I find it hard not to do spells, not because I'll die or anything (damn near impossible to die unless tanking a djinn or higher), but becaue just blindly attacking mobs is booooooooring, gotta spam all the skills!!!

What I do not like, however, is having two bears fighting over the beckon spell...one always is in the middle of a room, while the other is in the corner. The middle one pulls them all over the place, while the corner one makes them nice nad compact...guess which one is easier for everyone else to kill...

12-29-2010, 04:47 PM

12-29-2010, 08:38 PM
Both being level 19s I was twinking with a friend... The funny thing is that when someone enters if there not level 19 it basically meanS yor going to win... So one time someone enters the gAme on the other team as I was just about to ask "what level" my friend just says meat! and devoured:) him ....quickly.

Bahahahahah that's great. I miss you staffed!! I never see you.

12-29-2010, 08:47 PM
love how furraun quit at 666 posts

12-30-2010, 01:52 AM
OMG, this was sooo funny. Too bad about all the boss kiting. It really wasn't the same after they nerfed rush to be in Ao1. Tried to tell lowly mage to not run around, but there were NO bosses! LOL :)

12-30-2010, 10:41 AM
not really a funny noob story but i'm working on my 4th character (duel build mage int/str) and i was in balefort and when one of the mages died instead of writing rev, or revive, he wrote "MEDIC!!!!!".

12-30-2010, 11:45 AM
Been leveling a pally. from 40-47 only did AO2, map 4. Honestly, not a single bear that joined my games was anywhere close to what could be considered good. All of them were just awful, spamming beckon and stomp, and scattering mobs. Truly it makes clearing take soooooo much longer.

I kept thinking I would find one that was good, but nope. Now I am doing keeper runs and this trend has continued. I know good bears exist, but man are they hard to find.

12-30-2010, 12:04 PM
Been leveling a pally. from 40-47 only did AO2, map 4. Honestly, not a single bear that joined my games was anywhere close to what could be considered good. All of them were just awful, spamming beckon and stomp, and scattering mobs. Truly it makes clearing take soooooo much longer.

I kept thinking I would find one that was good, but nope. Now I am doing keeper runs and this trend has continued. I know good bears exist, but man are they hard to find.

but its just so FUN to make it harder for others xD nah jk i will never touch a bear after some of those awful runs...

12-30-2010, 12:19 PM
I always tell them to gather, gather, gather, gather or get booted :P

I wait to see if they have the ability to learn. If not, oh well, they can not learn elsewhere.

Bears might be more noticeable because of their stomp, but believe me, the number of bad bears you see is the same as the number of bad mages and bad birds. Mages especially. It's the class of the no-thinking-needed players. "Blast things, that's all I've got to do" is the thought and they're not even that good at blasting things. I've seen bears do more damage than mages and birds, where the majority of the group is mages and birds. That's REALLY bad. Most people get decked out and have no clue what to do after that. They thought they'd be uber-players just because they got decked out. Ick.

All I can say is make sure you've got boot button, either because you made the game or friend did. Or rush it, because untrainables have got to go. Good news: the recent "trainees" I've encountered have all listened to directions. Good thing because they know what follows :P

12-30-2010, 12:26 PM
Dude i made like alot of characters i roam around low level so i see alot of people with no stats and begining armor and im like lol update ur stats and buy better items i bet they dont even update there skills lol its funny then mages dont know wats rez not even heal
I was noobish with my archer before i didnt kno wat meditation was i read description didnt get till one day i was alone i treid it and saw my mana grow and i learned wen i was lvl14

01-01-2011, 07:30 PM
(This is my first post only because of this thread)

Just the other day I was farming gold in Plasma. I joined a game and saw a level 1 in there. I asked who was the host, low and behold the level 1 was the HOST!!! Need I say more?

Later in the day as I continued to farm more gold I started hosting my own games in which I continuously had sub level 20's joining. With every new join the first chat from them consisted of "Please don't boot, Can you help level me, Can I stay?". There was another guy who was farming with me and every time a sub 20 joined I would boot them and the day went on with more "LOL" and "That was hilarious" chat comments from the both of us than farming.

On a side note I've been playing for the last 3 months and have enjoyed the community very much.

01-01-2011, 09:55 PM
I have newbie moments where I'll run my lvl 50 character into 4 mini bosses, then I instantly die & then my group dies.

01-01-2011, 10:03 PM
Playing with a noob?
i see mynas gens everywhere.

01-02-2011, 12:45 AM
Gotta chime in on the, "REZ ME!" people. Leveling another level 50's alternate and there was a grand total of 3 of us doing Crush the Keeper--a dex bear (48), and two birds (a 48 and my 50). All's going swimmingly. We get to the Keeper and start smacking him. Level 48 bird goes down and starts yelling, "REZ ME!". Ummmm.....you've been playing with a bear and another bird for the entire level. You can look up and see that no one else has joined the group. I know mages are magic and all, but they don't just poof into existence in your time of need.

01-02-2011, 02:20 AM
Joined two level 10s w/ my level 10 in a Toy Factory game last night. The other level 10s had damage pots and told me to pot up. However, they're not clearing much faster than I clear/rush solo. In fact I start leading and am ahead of them to the Toy Man. So we get to Toy Man, kill him and I drop pink. They drop greens. They boot me :) [Had me rolling here. LOL ]

So I join another level 10 game w/ a couple players I already know. We clear quickly, kill Toy Man quickly. No damage pots :) Later another friend joins and says that damage-pot host booted him also. Later I AM hosting and another level 10 joins and he says his alt is that damage-pot host. He joined as we were killing the Toy Man and it was our last run. LOL.

I think some players are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Had he let me stay, we would have run cheaper and faster and as a fuller group. I know I would have started hosting (haven't seen that much faster hosting of Toy Man games) and we would have been a fast full group. But hey, I can solo pretty good so whatever. I think pink drops are better with me hosting anyways :)

01-03-2011, 11:56 PM
Experiences with my Pure Dexterity Archer, Rruly.

-Happens alot.. Random people add me and randomly ask for money!! LOL. This level 33 ask me if i had "EXTRA" megablasters.. Which was my cyber gun.. I was like Rofling.. I said you cant have mine.. And he said.. You have any more? LOL

01-04-2011, 12:35 AM
Playing with a noob?
i see mynas gens everywhere.

Doubtful, because most mynas gen died out. They're going extinct, luckily pita doesn't want to save them or we'd be screwed.

01-04-2011, 12:38 AM
New funniest story!! With me and Kingofhurtz!

We were running Kossi through Balefort on his Epicmule when a newbie joins the game, he asked if he could stay. Like dumbies we said yes, after that he hunted us down for powerleveling! Theres nowhere to hide he will find us! :O

01-04-2011, 12:42 AM
During the beginning of A03 this guy asked me where I had gotten my gurgox hammer of rift from, I said do you know all the bosses? He said yes, but I don't know where it drops.... -facepalm-.

01-04-2011, 12:47 AM
LMFAO, Epic Rangepwnsmeel...

01-04-2011, 01:31 AM
OMG, range. LMFAO!! I wanna find one of those.... players! LOL.

01-26-2011, 08:12 PM
A newbie once said "I can kill a mini-boss easy", next thing I know his character dies after 3 hits.

01-26-2011, 08:26 PM
A guy once asked me how do I color my void armor and blaster black like yours. He then left because he thought I wasn't answering, and proceeded to go into town yelling. "Buying Black Paint for my mega blaster and void armor!". Cyber Quests... LMAO

01-26-2011, 08:29 PM
Wow, that's hilarious.

01-26-2011, 08:52 PM
I had a lvl 8 asking if he could have my full rift set. After I said no he offered to trade me a green elf helm because someone told him it was "worth alot" I have noticed I get asked daily for my armor or sword... What do people think? That they are going to get given all this stuff for nothing? Pfft

01-26-2011, 09:08 PM
A guy once asked me how do I color my void armor and blaster black like yours. He then left because he thought I wasn't answering, and proceeded to go into town yelling. "Buying Black Paint for my mega blaster and void armor!". Cyber Quests... LMAO

This is not runescape...

01-26-2011, 09:13 PM
I remember when I was at LE, and this lv 20 something joined in. He got frozen, and he's like WTF?! I can't move!

01-26-2011, 09:19 PM
I remember when I was at LE, and this lv 20 something joined in. He got frozen, and he's like WTF?! I can't move!

lol!! funny! I experienced that before when I was level 30 plus in LE but I never say it out loud like him! then I realise I can move after I tap heal. haha

01-26-2011, 09:19 PM
Sad to see half the people who posted on here are gone...

01-26-2011, 10:18 PM
Lol I entered a town once and this guy was like "HOW DO I WALK!?!?! I CAN TYPE, BUT HOW DO I MOVE?!?"

01-27-2011, 07:50 AM
I just introduced a friend to this game....but... I had to teach him how to tap... and he had problems doing it... and... he's a tech geek... **stare**

01-27-2011, 09:45 AM
It's not funny when I am the noob in all my stories. :P

01-27-2011, 12:01 PM
OMG. A level 50 in CS is asking for money for a void blaster. Um, at current prices...!!! When I say go pop it, he says "how? where? it's not dropped like that." When I tell him where to go, he responds w the classic "go cut urself"

Um, if I put all beggars on my ignore list, how long will my ignore list be? Cause I'm pondering that... Maybe I'll limit it to level 50 beggars...

01-27-2011, 12:16 PM
OMG. A level 50 in CS is asking for money for a void blaster. Um, at current prices...!!! When I say go pop it, he says "how? where? it's not dropped like that." When I tell him where to go, he responds w the classic "go cut urself"

Um, if I put all beggars on my ignore list, how long will my ignore list be? Cause I'm pondering that... Maybe I'll limit it to level 50 beggars...

Was this yesterday? Folks did "beggar day" in forest heaven for a laugh...

01-27-2011, 12:38 PM
Nope, right when I posted.

Yesterday, there were lots of beggars in CS also. Didn't see that many in Forest Haven actually. Maybe I was in wrong Forest Haven :P Did see some nekkid beggars in CS yesterday. Was pretty funny.

This level 50 was NOT one of those. It was obvious from his EQ. Personally I think he was a failed level 50: Can't play in level 50 dungeons. I have no clue why someone would want to create a character like that, but there he was and I've seen others like him. What's the point of being powerleveled if the result is a weak character...? Seems like someone who is setting themselves up to not like the game.

01-27-2011, 12:43 PM
In my view you have to do at least the first toon the "proper" way... Else you end up with an overly strong level 1. lol

01-27-2011, 01:01 PM
I get a new story every time I go into Captive Audience...

01-27-2011, 06:40 PM
I've told level 50s to go replay the game, starting in Forest Haven. I won't bore you with the responses. LOL.

01-28-2011, 01:43 PM
A newbie once asked, how do you die?... I noticed he had a death/kill ratio of 0/4203, so I dragged a mob to him and left the server and came back quickly. He then died because he lagged out.

01-29-2011, 01:20 PM
yesterday i helped all of my list to get the antennas...
i was actually in fathom town and invited a noob (dont remember name right now...) several times and pmed him: COME! DEV IS HERE!



01-29-2011, 05:06 PM
Newbies are so hilarious.

02-01-2011, 04:18 AM
Being that I'm still a noob, this is noob-on-noob mocking. :D

Said right after yellow antennas were given out in Balefort:

1st Guy: You didn't get any?
2nd Guy: No.
1st Guy: Where were you?
2nd Guy: Waving at the dev
1st Guy: I didn't see you.
2nd Guy: I was standing right by the dev, waving
1st Guy: Are you sure?
2nd Guy: Yeah, I was waving at the guy with the red name. He completely ignored me!
1st Guy: You mean Kneil? That's not a dev, that's an NPC!

[paraphrased from memory... oh how I wish I could do screen shots with my EVO, hehehe)

02-01-2011, 04:24 AM
OMG! lol-story! ;)

another nice one:

was in town with my mage with shadow gear when a guy pmed me: where u got that dead baby?

i thought OMG how u can think thats a dead baby????? must have a sick brain.....

02-01-2011, 04:29 AM
I wish I could have seen the guy waving at Kneill. XD

02-01-2011, 04:43 AM
I had a level 10 in a game I hosted in AO3 the other day, me and a friend were just discussing how we couldn't do the bosses as we were too low level when this 10 Bear appears and just heads, by himself for the boss.. seconds later he reappears behind us and goes for it again! This went on about 4 or 5 times before he got it and left.

02-01-2011, 11:00 AM
OMG! lol-story! ;)

another nice one:

was in town with my mage with shadow gear when a guy pmed me: where u got that dead baby?

i thought OMG how u can think thats a dead baby????? must have a sick brain.....

I'm lol'ing

02-03-2011, 12:14 PM
So this is Animeva and I obviously haven't posted here a lot thus far but I just had to throw some of my stories into this!

First off I was with a group of 50's in Shadow Cave III (after caves were made more difficult) there was no host at the time and a level 12 came in and wouldn't leave. We started out asking nicely and explaining why this wasn't a place for him to level and that we needed all of the help we could get but still he wouldn't budge. So I messaged all of the other members that they should A. Not rev this guy and B. Start going in to the game but not to fight at all we did this for about 10 min and he died repeatedly but still wouldn't give up. So then we asked him if he would go in alone and show us his mad skills, which he did and again died before he could take two steps in. After 45 minutes and me vowing to outlast him he finally left ...only to be replaced by a level 19.

Another just happened the other day, I was selling a Hooch Hat in Balefort and someone PM'd me saying that they would give me 6k. I had sold one earlier in the day for 10K which was exactly what they were going for in CS so I told him that my asking price was 10K, he called me a Noob and walked away. I'm not quite sure what I did to deserve that but to me those are fighting words. I left Balefort and returned with my main bear and asked him if he remembered me, he said "no, who are you?" and I replied, the noob. He said a bunch of words I wont repeat here and told me he was going to report me... :)

Off topic -- When I'm trading with someone and I show them items that I'm selling (usually lower end items) and I've stated my asking price in my announcement (which is really cheap) do people feel the need to list all of their best pinks while I'm showing my wares? It's not a contest, this is what I'm selling... I never said you didn't have better items! I'll never understand that.

02-03-2011, 01:08 PM
I also love the related phenomenon of players who don't understand working together, and just follow their autoattack wherever it takes them. It's mostly amusing since they usually just wander away and get killed, but it can be annoying when you're trying to fight a boss, and some bear is off to the side hacking away at a regular croc or mummy.

My current favorite is people who think it matters who opens a chest, so they run through the fight, all the way to the other side of the room, not firing a single shot, buff or debuff until they've opened all the chests. Unfortunately, they haven't implemented the “tae kwon leap” skill…

02-03-2011, 01:10 PM
My current favorite is people who think it matters who opens a chest, so they run through the fight, all the way to the other side of the room, not firing a single shot, buff or debuff until they've opened all the chests. Unfortunately, they haven't implemented the “tae kwon leap” skill…

When I first started playing I told someone "leave some for the others. stop stealing all the chests!".

02-03-2011, 01:13 PM
I remember when I was at LE, and this lv 20 something joined in. He got frozen, and he's like WTF?! I can't move!

That's not half as sad as the level 50 mages who don't realize they can undo the freeze with heal.

02-03-2011, 01:19 PM
When I first started playing I told someone "leave some for the others. stop stealing all the chests!".

I sometimes have fun tweaking them by getting to the chests first, and then watching them get even more aggressive about it, completely ignoring all the enemies because they're so fixated on the chests.

02-03-2011, 01:21 PM
I was with this noob "Thelonearcher" and we were partying in Balefort, I mean like super Charlie Sheen partying, and I thought I could trade him for 50K.

02-03-2011, 02:48 PM
OMG, the chest thing is hilarious. I never would have thought that.

I never assume a level 50 has any skills or can use them. I remember a recent level 50 Nightmares group that was made better when I told the 3 mages to heal for ice. Suddenly we were actually sort of walking as a group... *stare* Let me repeat that: 3 mages. Boggles the mind. 3 mages. 3 mages. Sorry, I'm still a bit flabbergasted :P

And of course, there's the level 50s you find through the various levels of Ao3 who have never explored it... They don't know what's in it, how much to clear to get to the boss and what do to with the boss. The good thing: some of them will listen when I tell them the strategy. The bad thing: some of them won't because they already know and are insulted you think they need more info :P then they die and leave.

Hmm...is it a sin to help level 50s who can't defeat the keeper OR the sniper? Um, level 50s.... with gear.... who for some strange reason can't manage to stay alive... *rolls eyes*

There do always seem to be one or two that're off in the corner killing the blue/yellow alien. What's with that? And then they wonder why it takes so long to kill the shielded Keeper... especially the birds... *more eye rolling* I'm just happy when it takes less than 5 minutes, what with 1/2 the group not on the Keeper when we rush him. Let's see... 5 in group, only 1 or 2 on keeper though all are nearby. What's wrong with this picture?

When did people start thinking clearing trash in a priority when you're on the boss and the boss has a timer or can kill in 1-2 hits? I'm gonna stare some more *stare*stare* LOL

02-03-2011, 02:59 PM
They're probably trying to improve their K/D ratio. BUT, sometimes it does pay to kill the trash, especially if they have range. Even if they're not attacking you personally, they can take a big chunk out of someone else, and possibly discombobulate your entire group. The lorekeepers with the overlord are a good example—if you just ignore them, a significant fraction of the time the team wipes.

02-03-2011, 03:08 PM
Some of these are pretty funny.

Ok, so I was in LE questing with my bear recently. He is level 26. I'm in town in between quests and this other bear was there shouting about selling helms. I think about checking his stuff for a split second, then think "Nah, I've got something to use in a few levels (crusaders polarbear helm, iirc). So I proceed to the portal to go to the next quest level and who should appear beside me than the same bear trying to sell his loot. So he followed me in and asks to trade. I think "Ok I'll check out his stuff to be polite. He shows me a bunch of greens and oranges that are 2 levels or higher so I tell him "Sorry, but no thanks." and exited the trade screen. Then he gets all pissed off saying "There better than the crap you have, noob." and then immediately left. I was kind of speechless.

02-03-2011, 03:12 PM
Furrawn :(....... ..... uhh now my story. I remember I have.a screenie of a lvl 45 bird asking me if he was a paladin

02-04-2011, 09:47 PM
Im in the middle of my funny noob story. I am now staring at the profile screen of this bear in game named sekky. He has 89 kills 30 deaths pve and 1 kill 225 death pvp. As i type he is asking me how much sb sword of the rift is and hate armor while IN the cs shop. Oh did i mention he is WEARING the sb sword of the rift. I almost wonder if this guy is lone posing as a nood just to get some laughs. Is that you mike?

02-04-2011, 10:58 PM
I sometimes have fun tweaking them by getting to the chests first, and then watching them get even more aggressive about it, completely ignoring all the enemies because they're so fixated on the chests.

Haha I remember when everyone raced for the chests. Totally thought they'd make me rich if I got there first.