View Full Version : Exterminator needed!

06-20-2012, 12:26 AM
As any other client, there are a few bugs that need to be fixed. Just to name a few major ones...

1: PVP BUG- At the end of every pvp match, it will only say your name in the killfeed.

2: PAK.CFG- Im not sure if thats what its called exactly, but it isnt saving all our customized settings such as our option to 'hide our hat' or remember our email/ pass for every time we log back on. Very VERY annoying having to enter email/pass everytime i log back on.

3: AUTO ATTACK BUG- I find this one most annoying. In pvp, your auto will randomly disconnect from the person your fighting and lock onto someone else, making you die 99.99% of the time.

4: SEARCH BUG- You no longer have the option to scroll up/down when searching for a lobby on the map section

(Asus Trasformer tf300t)

06-20-2012, 03:50 AM