View Full Version : Humania bugs, for IPhone 3GS

06-20-2012, 06:42 AM
Hello everyone!

I've just logged in game, and i've already seen many bugs O: Here is a list of them to help you guys to fix them :

First of all, when you open PL app, it direcly logs you in game, and you cant choose ur account.
Secondly, whatever you do (looking at friends in main menu and clicking on return for example) makes a loading pages appear, as for the DoD..
Thirdly, the avatar pages bugs when you have up to 10k kills pve, pvp and ctf : it looks like as if you had 1.5 billion pvp kills..
Fourthly, the chat on the top doesnt show automaticaly
Fifthly, the skills became way more little, the moving button too, and this last one moved.. So we click close to it and miss it every time
Sixly, there is a notification which doesn't stop appearing saying "you have 1 fridnd online"
Seventhly, when you join a town, the camera is really close from your character..
Eightly, bonus set doesn't show on avatar page for Sanguine crafted set
Ninethly, the Accept and the rejected button are inversed...
Tenthly, pvp names bugs at end of a map
Eleventhly (? xD) when you buff, it untargets you in pvp
twelwthly, wave hand is reversed for bow birds
joining maps page doesn't change when you click on the arrow to see another page ._.

I'll add more bugs I see :) Cya all !! And ty for humania ^^ It looks awesome !