View Full Version : When to kick someone

06-20-2012, 08:21 AM
So I play star legends quite often and get kicked sometimes but it's for a reason like sorry reserved to help a friend lvl. *The kicks I get are: u didn't pay me to play. * Or I eat Donuts and drink coffee. *Or I don't know u so get out of the match.*

I'm not gonna call anyone out on this but it happens too much I got on for 5 minutes and got kiked twice for a dumb reason.*

I'm sure I'm over exaggerating but this has come to the point where it ruins the game and many players' spirits of the game. I went inactive on star legends for 2-3 months and this was one of the reasons

You ppl out there kicking others for the dumb reasons like the ones stated above should think twice that maybe ur destroying the players liking of the game.

WE are a community ur not better than anyone else becuz ur lvl 41 and someone is lvl 20.*

06-20-2012, 09:10 AM
Yes! agree :)

06-20-2012, 12:41 PM
Yep, it's pretty pathetic. Especially kicking out for being a stranger. Better to make friends than acting like jerk.

06-20-2012, 03:51 PM
And if they boot cause you're a low lv, how are you gonna lv up then so they'd LET you lv with them, it's a vicious cycle.

06-20-2012, 09:46 PM
Plz name some of the dumb kicks use gotten so I can add them to my imaginary list of annoying kicks lol

06-21-2012, 02:48 AM
the best solution - to make games yourself - then you can decide - to kick ir not to...

but generally - just leave 'em alone - reasonless booters will end alone

06-21-2012, 03:25 AM
Theres a lvl 40 i wont take name who makes a red sun game n sits for low lvl to joins, n as they join he kicks em by usin abbusive language,when he later joined my alts game i spammed booted him...


06-21-2012, 04:28 AM
Lol, I wish I could catch you jumpin in my roon so I could. *hoofkick*

The booting option is made to be used, used to moderate our rooms. If we have a set team and you ninja somones spot, YES you are going to get booted. We may not want to write that out, and we put silly reasons because its fun. Booting and killing are two of my very few joys in SL these days. Yes, the devs created passwords to eliminate the hassle of booting, but that still leaves the hassle of writing out the password. Idk about you, but my teams can go reallllly fast when it comes to Inner Core runs, and I am not about to make four people write out a password when I can just boot you. Some people boot for no reason, and are truly just trying to be buttheads, but most of us are just trying to moderate our rooms.

Get over it already.

06-21-2012, 05:44 AM
Art has a point and i know we can do some really fast runs booting one person is going to slow us down alot less than putting on a password.

that said i understand people who just boot for silly reasons e.g i dont know you so get out. it can be really frustrating however they are more than likely booting you for a reason. once you find a good team it may all of been worth it.

i personally prefer being asked to leave ive always been antibootest but sometimes you just have to e.g someone being rude or asking them to leave and they dont or you simply need the spot.

06-21-2012, 06:37 AM
Lol, I wish I could catch you jumpin in my roon so I could. *hoofkick*

The booting option is made to be used, used to moderate our rooms. If we have a set team and you ninja somones spot, YES you are going to get booted. We may not want to write that out, and we put silly reasons because its fun. Booting and killing are two of my very few joys in SL these days. Yes, the devs created passwords to eliminate the hassle of booting, but that still leaves the hassle of writing out the password. Idk about you, but my teams can go reallllly fast when it comes to Inner Core runs, and I am not about to make four people write out a password when I can just boot you. Some people boot for no reason, and are truly just trying to be buttheads, but most of us are just trying to moderate our rooms.

Get over it already.

Yeah but the sad thing is it isn't for a silly reason anymore it's to be mean and call u a loser. I've sent a comment to the ppl who saying like y 99% of the time its I don't know u or ur a low level so get out of my face.

11-27-2012, 01:03 PM
Yeah I think it's bs because all you wanna do is play the god damn game but ppl are stupid to realise its a game and that we should all play fairly but then there are those jerks who think they are cool because they are a higher lvl and make lower lvls fell like they are bitches so I recon they should be punished for what they have done dont you think?

11-27-2012, 02:47 PM
I'm guilty of booting. Vanity runs, spots reserve, opening chest when I say not too, and if they're just too awful like extremely.. Or if they just want to leech and do no work and expect free loot/exp. I remember most by name now and I instantly boot those that I constantly see doing that.

11-27-2012, 08:45 PM
sup guys? necro much? :DDD

11-27-2012, 09:10 PM
sooooo many necros lately O.o

11-29-2012, 06:31 PM
Babbre wanna do a vanity run with me? My name on is is dodge Bugatti :)

11-30-2012, 06:56 AM
Lol, I wish I could catch you jumpin in my roon so I could. *hoofkick*

The booting option is made to be used, used to moderate our rooms. If we have a set team and you ninja somones spot, YES you are going to get booted. We may not want to write that out, and we put silly reasons because its fun. Booting and killing are two of my very few joys in SL these days. Yes, the devs created passwords to eliminate the hassle of booting, but that still leaves the hassle of writing out the password. Idk about you, but my teams can go reallllly fast when it comes to Inner Core runs, and I am not about to make four people write out a password when I can just boot you. Some people boot for no reason, and are truly just trying to be buttheads, but most of us are just trying to moderate our rooms.

Get over it already.

+1, Art.

11-30-2012, 03:07 PM
Lol, I wish I could catch you jumpin in my roon so I could. *hoofkick*

The booting option is made to be used, used to moderate our rooms. If we have a set team and you ninja somones spot, YES you are going to get booted. We may not want to write that out, and we put silly reasons because its fun. Booting and killing are two of my very few joys in SL these days. Yes, the devs created passwords to eliminate the hassle of booting, but that still leaves the hassle of writing out the password. Idk about you, but my teams can go reallllly fast when it comes to Inner Core runs, and I am not about to make four people write out a password when I can just boot you. Some people boot for no reason, and are truly just trying to be buttheads, but most of us are just trying to moderate our rooms.

Get over it already.
+1 not to mention you have to boot all the idiots who try to join for the boss...lol like I'm gonna let u do nothin to reap my rewards.

11-30-2012, 03:09 PM
Yeah I think it's bs because all you wanna do is play the god damn game but ppl are stupid to realise its a game and that we should all play fairly but then there are those jerks who think they are cool because they are a higher lvl and make lower lvls fell like they are bitches so I recon they should be punished for what they have done dont you think?
Haha I take it your one of those low levels?

11-30-2012, 06:04 PM
No jess I'm lvl 18 but well actually probably

01-20-2013, 08:36 AM
u hate Minecraft????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vcry:

01-20-2013, 03:19 PM
u hate Minecraft????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vcry:

Necro much???

01-21-2013, 10:19 PM
Please don't necro threads.