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View Full Version : Lv40/41 Opeartive CTF Build?

06-21-2012, 07:18 AM
Can someone give me tips for a Endgame Operative CTF Build?
Is Custom Armor the best? (i hav)
The Black Pet or the White?
What Weapon?
What Implant? (i prefer damage)
And what skills shouldi use? :)

Pls help me

06-21-2012, 09:39 PM
Woah, op ctf? Lol xD

While I think of one for you, ask Operativespec for some advice.
He can help you with the basic skills that would be favored in ctf.

If you cannot come up with a build from his advice,or he did not help you out (lol catch him when he is drunk xD), I will make you one.

Now the thing about ctf with (likewise engis) is that they are the primary targets to kill (once engi is down, if engis are in the game), so don't be mad if the build you are given still causes you to die.

To the other parts
° White pet, you'll need the dodge.

° Custom symbiotic
° Damage implant l35

06-23-2012, 07:20 AM
Apollo operative build.
Reason: it has the neccessary skilla needed.

Game play:
1.hit and run - root and lurk
2. Play safe - dont engage coms alone.
3. Kills arent realy needed to win. Root and lurk. Keep them busy

Dmg imp.
Dodge pet
Either custon or plat set - just dpends on how u play ur op.

06-23-2012, 10:07 PM
what the two said above , skills needed for an op for CTF are :

Inner Focus - absolute must
Lash ( the one which does damage ) - Very important
Lurch - Important to push away those pesky coms.

Rest is upto you and how you play your op