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View Full Version : What happened?

06-21-2012, 09:50 AM
During the sewers and AO3 PL was like the best game out there I was wondering WTF happened Nuri was boring fang even stupider and Humania just what happened. I'm being completely truthful with you guys sewers was your golden age and AO3 was also fun. Next cap make a Balefort Sewers part 2 or a alien oasis part 4. or something cause those were the best maps imo and many others I'm sure if you guys keep this up you guys will stand no chance at best MMO this year. Change Humania up abit in a patch or something sure it's something we've never seen before (reminds me a bit of Alien Oasis) but You guys got water and new bad guys and stuff but change it up some. Plus that new elite vanity helm it's just stupid like no one will go for it why would they change it make it look cooler let it have a set bonus with SoH and MFA and stuff. Why give so many easy chances to go for MFA if all your going to is make it worthless to the people who only got that. Now we're going to have to wait over 1 1/2 years before we get an elite set bonus. why do that. Make your next maps more like sewers and AO3 when it actually involved skill to get to the bosses and to defeat them.