View Full Version : Signature Quotes

06-21-2012, 06:58 PM
Hey guys! Zaonabiuibil here, and I'm here to make something NEW. I see most forumers rocking their signatures (myself included, thanks Mitch :)), yet for me that doesn't seem totally enthralling yet.

What I'm planning on doing is creating quotes to go along with your signatures. Yes, what!? You just PM me your signature, like mine shown here:


So underneath my signature, I will create a small storyline to go along with it. Ex:
"The man crossed the graveyard, in search of the demon. He suddenly began to bleed profusely. As he took his final breath, he shouted but one word to the stars. ZAONABIUIBIL"

I'm just starting out, this is an unprecedented business, so feel free to leave some suggestions as well. You want me to make you one, again, just PM me your sig pic, and I'll create a quote to match. :)

Prices are whatever you think the quotes deserve!

Here is an example of my work, made for someone in the guild Vengeance:

"He stands alone after the massacre. His brethren lie dead beside him. Now, he has only one goal. To wreak his vengeance upon those responsible."

This one is just a broad one anyone can use:

"If pity is given to those who suffered, then I pity all of mankind, who cause their own suffering."

I can do quotes for anything you need. Guild, to match your signature, or something totally broad. :)

Thanks for checking this out, and I look forward to doing business with you guys!

06-21-2012, 08:36 PM
Good post bro! :-) Keep those Quotes rolling!

06-21-2012, 08:46 PM
Thanks man :)

06-22-2012, 06:43 AM
hey, Zao!

don't mean to interrupt yo business, man, but it seems to me anyone can put those quotes in a sig... exactly there where you can upload an image..

so i kinda see no point in this idea.. or.. i don't get it))

care to explain, bro?

06-22-2012, 06:53 AM
Sure man! Now of course people can make quotes, but they CAN also make their own sigs. But for those that don't WANT to, they'll buy their sigs, correct? It's basically the same thing here. It's just if they don't want to spend their time making a quote or a sig, they'll ask someone to do it. I understand your skeptisism, and I'm glad you brought this up that early. It's just if they want a little something extra, not mandatory, just fun. Hope this cleared some confusion, if not, I'd be happy to PM my long boring concept. ;)

06-22-2012, 08:31 AM
i got it now)

i think i can update yo idea!!

the thing is people are inventive, but to some extent.. so to help them, i think you can make a list of those quotes to choose from!

and to make that list, you can bring up a contest on that

what do you think?

06-22-2012, 09:37 AM
It would work, yet I ask to see signatures because each individual one has their own story to tell. There is no just overall quote, because each sig is unique, and each quote should be unique as well, no?

06-22-2012, 11:31 AM
Agree about uniqueness, but working in digital for 8 years and researching digital and general habits of people, we, marketeers, came to the conclusion that only about 10% of all are ready to create content (in this case - invent or post a quote). About 30% are ready to comment.. and 60% are absolutely passive (readers only)

So, if you start this initiative boldly and blank - you will get only 10% of all possible clients

BUT, if you start this with some quotes pre-set - then you will add 30% of 'commenters' who don't have (and don't want to invent) 'personal quotes', but might like the ones you will give them as examples - in this case u'll get 40% max of yo target audience

Well, i can start with a couple examples:

+ there's only one good - knowledge and one evil - ignorance. Socrates

+ as serious as yo life. Four Tet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5OM82LTsU0)

+ I don't try to describe the future. I try to prevent it. Ray Bradbury



best luck bro

06-22-2012, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, everything is appreciated :)