View Full Version : random is the key.

06-21-2012, 09:42 PM
hi! a small think i would modifi to star legends (not excluding all legends games) is just what the title says. adding randomness to the levels. i mean by this, by example a variable number and tipes of enemies, ramdomly selected.. and stuff like that. that way, considering that we must go trought each lvl many times, they will be somehow different. that would help to prevent monotony in the game and, same that in real life, every player can feel the expectation and adventure of dont knowing what is going to face in a place, even if has entered a thousand times. i hope my point is well explained and im sorry for any spelling mistake i could have, happens that english is not my main language. but i do what i can lol. thanx!

06-22-2012, 04:12 AM
This is why we PVP :p

06-22-2012, 11:36 AM
good one!

though idk if that's possible to code..

06-22-2012, 11:48 PM
good one!

though idk if that's possible to code..

Like the randomness of drops I guess?

But having hit 41 twice and obviously having done my fair share of Voleria Inner Core runs [and now soloing Voleria Inner Core at times] there is basically no variations except in the movements of the enemies. The arrangements of enemies are always the same, fixed teams of enemies -- to the point that I've begun to memorize at least every team in the Core, and their proper class names.

Please make it more interesting than that at our next update thanks ^^

06-22-2012, 11:51 PM
What would happen to our favorite places to do xp runs then?

06-23-2012, 08:05 AM
What would happen to our favorite places to do xp runs then?

IDK... requiring faster thinking? XD

06-23-2012, 01:04 PM
Yes. Random dungeon and random loot generators, akin to Diablo, would help with the monotony.

Prefixes and suffixes to increase rarity and stats.


Rifle: white
Grenade rifle: green
Grenade rifle of Destruction: purple

Named items for pinks.

Directorbot's Editor: pink grenade rifle used to edit enemies out of existence.

Of course, named items would drop from whomever they were named for and be at a level that would be the cap level for that map.

This post has +5 to topic derailment.

06-24-2012, 03:05 AM
this could be perfectly coded without too much problem. just modifying the custom enemy load lines for ramdom number ones. im not programing expert or so but i used to make mini games in flash so i know its not too hard. drops could keep working like now i think.

PianoWizzy gave the perfect example of why this is a MUST. its kinda sad to even memorize which enemies are ahead, where and how much.

XP places could be just anywhere because when u enter a map could be 50 foes or 250. thats randommnes. (and more exciting)

looot generators are not totally random. i mean, theres a prefixed percentage of posibilities to get trash, common, rare etc.

i havent played sl for some days now because blackstar seems more like a graveyard lately. ive read many comments telling it: we need act! max lvl rise (lvl 100 would be great, regardless of maps lvls), RAMDOMNESS new weapons/armor and a couple maps. that would do the job to bring back people from humania... tnx

06-24-2012, 03:11 AM
by the way i think the xp outputs in sl are kinda weird. 1 xp or 2 xp in most cases.. bassically because u gain the same xp for killing a weak One-shot enemy, than for a hard to kilk boss.. ive always thinked that should be more ballanced..

06-24-2012, 12:36 PM
PianoWizzy gave the perfect example of why this is a MUST. its kinda sad to even memorize which enemies are ahead, where and how much.

Rofl not on purpose! XD

But even the most interesting map on the game has become dull and that's what's sad.

06-24-2012, 01:05 PM
But even the most interesting map on the game has become dull

Not dull for me XD
Still enjoy playing them and knowing exactly how my run will play out. I calculate every possibility a second.
It amuses me when my calculations get thrown out when a bunch of enemies just pile from nowhere lol.
Gets very exciting especially with the new players setting mines off all around, gives me the challenge of keeping everyone alive while doing the maximum kills and slaying the snipers in correct timing!

But each to their own lol ^_^