View Full Version : No need for mages!

08-21-2010, 11:40 PM
As I'm sure you guys all know, the most effective farming group is all bears. This just doesn't make sense! Enchantresses should be a necessity with their buffs and heals. So what I propose is this.......A 3 second timer on potions. I think the game would still run well except that there would be a need for at least one mage to be in the group as the other classes would not be able to keep themselves alive against bosses and stronger monsters without their heals. perhaps a small damage buff when an archer is in your group to promote dex archers too.....

like? dislike?

08-21-2010, 11:51 PM
A) If you never played a mage, you might not know how much they are actually helping. One of their buffs is giving you 5 h/s which is keeping you alive. And their nightmare and lightning are debuffing the Djinns / bosses is making them possible to kill.
B) When you miss the timing on your buff or heal and take a critical hit, you will really wish that mage was there to revive you.

08-22-2010, 08:43 AM
Yup mages are needed in this game in general. They are as much a needed class in an effective party as a tank is. The problem is that rush farming is not natural play, and requires unnatural group compositions, and all you really need is bears (though paladins can be quite effective too). I would love to see the rush get nerfed, but if it doesn't your best bet is to build a tank or respec to paladin if you want to participate. I agree that a cooldown on pots would be nice, but it's been suggested several times, so I don't think you should expect to see it any time soon.

08-22-2010, 09:40 AM
It should not be all bears >< My pally can buff heal them debuff so they cant hurt you as much and have weaker armor we can rev and we can do some nice dps if bears have aggro

08-22-2010, 11:28 AM
Potions need a good hard thwack with the nerf stick, if I had my way, they'd heal over 3 seconds with a 5 sec reuse timer.

The way you can spam them adds a ridiculous boost to PvE survivability.

08-22-2010, 10:11 PM
actually, a group of all mages is MUCH better for farming than all bears because mages have aoe type skills so you can easily run right through a lvl with all mages with good gear on...i have mine set up to be more attack based but able to heal well if nessesary, and i have like 4m/s so i dont use pots as often as i used to...so glad...they get so expensive...

flaw in your plan i just noticed, if pots had a 3sec cooldown time, what would happen when the only mage in the group runs out of mana and just used a pot, thus, not being able to heal anyone till A. the gain enough mana from regen, or B. the pot cools and they are able to use a pot again...boss fights would be hell even with mages involved

08-22-2010, 10:12 PM
jus tryin to help work somethin out cuz that does sound good...maybe the devs could find a way to implement something like that

08-23-2010, 09:27 AM
actually, a group of all mages is MUCH better for farming than all bears because mages have aoe type skills so you can easily run right through a lvl with all mages with good gear on...i have mine set up to be more attack based but able to heal well if nessesary, and i have like 4m/s so i dont use pots as often as i used to...so glad...they get so expensive...

flaw in your plan i just noticed, if pots had a 3sec cooldown time, what would happen when the only mage in the group runs out of mana and just used a pot, thus, not being able to heal anyone till A. the gain enough mana from regen, or B. the pot cools and they are able to use a pot again...boss fights would be hell even with mages involved

Mages die way to fast for rush farming. Unless you mean paladins, which can be effective, but still not as effective as bears because they lack stun skills. Anyway the problem you list at the end there is not really a problem at all. If you have 5 points in heal as every mage should, then you will regain enough mana to cast a heal faster than it can even cool down, even with only average regen. Any mage should be able to cast heal every 5 seconds if necessary.

08-23-2010, 09:30 AM
um yeaaaaaa haha group of 4 mages and one bear is best you buff and heal bear he will stomp we will icestorm/firestorm grrr

08-23-2010, 08:11 PM
The answer I'd paladin!! It has all the buffs and heals as a Mage but has the armor of a tank! I usually have all bears but 1 or 2 paladins

08-25-2010, 01:01 AM
ive been in a group of all mages, (regular mages, not pallys) and done great rush farming, because mages working together using AoE skills can basically keep moving and kill everything in their path...tho u do have a good point about my last point...lol, especialy with my mage as i have great mana regen (8m/s)...but i tend to keep my chars balanced a bit by putting at least 15 points in each category (int/str/dex) and then raising just my main one, so all my chars have at least one health and mana regen...

p.s. for some reason, my mage tends to die less than others even when i tank with it, and its not a paladin, jus a normal mage with normal mage armor and weaponry