View Full Version : WAY PAST DUE!! Always thinking a step ahead of us;)

06-22-2012, 12:41 PM
FINALLY!!! An epic event that will keep the community of SL happy!! Awesome timing too. I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us, all 27 of us. That you always come through for the loyal followers of sts.

Just wanted to say I love SL and other legend games that will make its way to us.

Where was I? Sorry, my mind goes all over the place when I'm excited, nay -ecstatic, that our suggestions and feedback aren't falling on deaf ears. For the longest time I've been saying to everyone, "hey, you know what SL needs now? A flamethrower!! FIYA!! We don't need no water let the mother-_-father burn!!
See!? Im way over zealous over this event. Because PL&DL recently got a new lvl cap(overrated IMO) I'm just glad that this event is coming to us, what's cool is that you are doing it promoting Prometheus just about to be released in movie theaters. That would suck if the the movie was already out and mess up what you guys have done with awesome infected event. You dodged a bullet on that one!

But seriously is there gonna be a lvl cap update to hit SL? Because the reward for the infected event will be so easy to achieve, what was it? 2 million kills in 7 days. Thats gonna be cake. Tallying the kills from the community right? All 27 of us? That's not going to slow the masses of SL right? That Flamethower that you dangle in front of us as incentive will surely make whatever fan following you do have left from neglecting us left, keep us focused on the prize!!! Pfffffft we don't need a lvl cap update like PL&DL.

An op named vanished said it best on how sts treats " SL is like the neglected middle child."
Ahhh *wipes tears from eyes* guess u had to be there. Totally off subject, but SL will probably grow up with issues that will isolate him/her from society(seek the attention that was deprived to it growing up because the older sibling PL and the baby DL always got the love? And with another one baking in the baby oven?) and become a stripper ? I know off subject. K back to the subject at hand.

How about throwing us a bone here fellas... When can we(power of 27! That's what I dubbed the the dwindling community) expect to see an update? I'm not sure that flamethrower will cut it. Thanks for your awesome work and I hope I see 2 million kills because I'll be in pvp. :D wakakakakaka

06-22-2012, 02:15 PM
Agreed. SL is the middle child of the 3 games. >.<

06-22-2012, 02:17 PM
SL is more like the step child named Igor locked in the attic and only fed when he makes a commotion

06-22-2012, 02:18 PM
Amazing use of sarcasm. Seriously.