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View Full Version : Twitter Contest 6/22/12

06-22-2012, 06:06 PM
Tonight's question was: You have encountered an advance alien race; you can ask them for one thing. What would you ask them for and why (in 140 characters). GO!

We'd like to congratulate the following people for winning tonight's Twitter contest:

I would request them to share their knowledge and technologies with me

the 1 thing I would ask for if I met with an alien race would be a look at all technology so I may salvage some in case of war!

I would ask them for an infinitely renewable free source of energy so universal citizens can fly hummerships with no guilt

Please feel free to offer your ideas for contest questions, etc here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?41734-Brainstorming-Twitter-Contest-Questions)!

Thank you everyone for playing, and we'll see you at the next contest! Make sure to follow us on Facebook & Twitter :

Star Legends Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/StarLegends)
Star LegendsTwitter (http://www.twitter.com/StarLegends)

06-23-2012, 11:37 PM
Woot! Thanks Delph

06-28-2012, 08:26 AM