View Full Version : Friend/Guild list sorting/filtering

12-18-2021, 12:13 AM
Can we get a social filter? Sort by most time inactive on friend list. In the friend list remove the blue "Add friends" since everyone uses /f (Name) for space to add the sort by filter.
On guild list sort by aps, level, pve kills, pve kdr, inactive, pvp kdr, pvp kills, and ctf kdr ctf kills. I know what you are thinking, "how can we fit all of this in there?
Theres many ways to go about it but here is an example. Choose an option from the list and if 1 is chosen then the party invite, message, duel, and join options are removed.
I ment 8.73, typo error.

12-18-2021, 12:52 PM
Can we talk about your use cases for why you think sorting is necessary? What are you trying to accomplish (guild purge, best player list, etc.)?

Once I know this, we can then discuss next steps.


12-18-2021, 01:24 PM
Can we talk about your use cases for why you think sorting is necessary? What are you trying to accomplish (guild purge, best player list, etc.)?

Once I know this, we can then discuss next steps.


For the friend list me and many others have hundreds to almost thousands of people friended and we would like to remove the longest inactive because the more people on your friend list the more lag it causes while scrolling. It is a pain to scroll down the entire list watching closely for inactives and dealing with lag if you are on an older phone.
For the guild list, yes a purge for those who are inactive, low on pve or pvp kdr etc. Say if a player has a really good kill count and kd ratio on both pvp and pve but is inactive for 30+ days, we would rather keep the player than to kick the player because he/she is more beneficial to have in the guild than say someone who is inactive with a really bad pvp pve kill count. Saves some guilds so much time where they are always checking members one by one.
Achievement points don't really matter since they are only added up to a total number and not divided like kdr is.

12-20-2021, 01:02 AM
We don't load nor send all of that data for everyone on your friends/guild list. Best I can do is anything with name, level, and last online.


12-20-2021, 07:35 AM
We don't load nor send all of that data for everyone on your friends/guild list. Best I can do is anything with name, level, and last online.

Sort by last online works I guess then.

12-24-2021, 12:57 PM
Added sorting by default (what it is now) and last online to the list.